The camps are completely self-managed, and made the camp AG the protest alliance ( is a great preparatory work and the Basic infrastructure has prepared. For the daily self-administration include cooking in Volkxküchen (public kitchens), dishwashing, security from unwanted guests (mainly police and Nazis) and the general arrangements in plenary sessions. The cleanliness of the toilets as mobile toilets and outdoor showers (with refreshing cool wet) is organized and has so far worked very well. The food is always vegan and pure organic certified and is a voluntary donation from each spent between 2-3 €. The night itself is free, but asked for a donation of 5 € per person / night - but social discrimination is clearly be avoided.
course there are differences between the camps, If I was the first two days at the camp in Rostock-Bramow, which offers an old industrial site space for 5,000 people. Due to the high interest of this had to be expanded spontaneously, which made the atmosphere of the camp a little hectic. What about a more peaceful and tranquil, however, is the camp at 16 km Reddelich, in the last few days I - I - along with 4,000 other activists. The connection to Rostock is secured by a train every hour commuting (day and night!). Ultimately it is the only disadvantage of the camps that you meet too many interesting people and to some extent good discipline needed to do in addition to the nice talks, including his work duties. But this discipline, it is worth to enjoy the international flair of the self-managed co-existence.
Photo: protest Reddelich. Nearby, between Bad Doberan and Kuehlungsborn, where the media center is to demonstrate today 8000-10000 people against the G8 summit.
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