He was, therefore, the G8 summit! Never has there been so many critical social events, demonstrations and actions. This was also a top, experienced the unacceptable, violent riots, and sparked a debate about the fundamental right to demonstrate has. And it was not last a summit whose content and political substance can hardly be beaten yet:
After all, a triple step for the climate negotiating process within the UN framework and - not to be underestimated - a united EU, but no breakthrough for effective climate protection, the so- sorely needed it, given the tight time frame and responsibility of the G8 countries.
A significant step backwards in the Africa policy: bring to recycle old resolutions, without a concrete implementation plan and no further undermined Africa all credibility of the G8.
Finally, an apparent solution in terms of global governance: a fixed term of two years of institutionalized dialogue with the five major emerging countries, but only on issues that the North and the G8 at heart. All this is not dialogue on an equal footing, yet visionary leadership, "nor efficient management of globalization. Once again, it has become clear what a anachronistic structure, the G8 has now become, after all, was taken up once to turn the fortunes of the world economy and world politics for the better.
nearly four months, we now have the preparatory process and the G8 summit itself accompanies this weblog. In more than 90 entries and 17 guest commentary was hardly an aspect of the summit events unlit. We reported the counter-activities, as well as from the official meetings of large demonstrations as well as by smaller discussion groups and seminars. The response was very positive.
As we finish this blog today, we will continue the process of globalization issues. The summit process has "under construction of globalization "left behind, which continue to require our efforts.
The movement for global justice are the days of Rostock and Heiligendamm made great progress, but also new reflection and clarification. The image of the unsuccessful start to increase during the summit week, not happily bonded. The agreement was signed, the content profile of the alternative summit, the resounding "No" against any violence, the courage of the blockade participants to articulate their civil disobedience, peaceful, and the media coverage of the great concert of action "Your voice against poverty".
The Heinrich Boell Foundation will continue its commitment to environmentally and socially and gender equitable world economy and an effective and equitable climate together with its partners around the world. Whether alternative proposals at this global Agrahandelssystem or just resources and raw materials policy , the future of emissions trading or multilateral governance, we will get involved and make a contribution that the civil society with its political ideas and projects voice heard and more and more able to enforce.
also newsletter World Economy & Development (W & E) will edit this blog and will present the issues raised in the very next week (>>> W & E 06/2007 ) a thorough analytical evaluation of the official summit results. In our series background On the way to Heiligendamm - The European Civil Society we will be engaged more strongly with the problems of financing for development and reform of development aid. As early as next month starts our new series "From Monterrey to Doha ( >>> W & E 03-04/2007) to accompany the next stage of the development debate is. And for our W & D blog sites of globalization we are already planning a relaunch soon.
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