notice to the Federal Government, the German development assistance in 2008 to grow by 750 million €, Jens Martens said of the Global Policy Forum Europe, this is a positive signal. The funds would be sufficient but by no means to achieve the goal of increasing official development assistance (ODA) by the year 2010 to 0.51% of gross national income. To this end, the federal government had committed but at EU level.
In the years 2005 and 2006 (and probably 2007), the German development aid statistics by debt relief, particularly against Iraq and Nigeria, at an annual rate more than 2 billion bloated € (2005: 2.77 billion, in 2006: 2.17 billion). This straw fire effect is eliminated from the year 2008, the German ODA would then be lower by about 2 billion €. The announced increase of € 750 million can not fill that hole alone. If the federal government is not prepared to mobilize additional resources, we will experience a slump in 2008, the German development aid - and not the need to increase to who has the Federal Government under the EU timetable required. "In particular, it would be fatal," says Martens, "if they did in the following years at the time increase would leave about 750 million €.
Continuous increase of aid budgets is essential. In addition, the federal government must finally follow suit in introducing innovative financial instruments. use the funds from the auctioning of carbon dioxide emission allowances for climate protection projects in the South would be a useful step. As the estimated total annual revenue of up to € 500 million but probably not even they would not be enough to close the development gap. The introduction of an air ticket levy and internationally coordinated taxes, particularly on aviation fuel and foreign currency transactions therefore remained the only option.
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