precaution to join the elite G8 club just when the opportunity to clear, for example, called Sachin Chaturvedi from the Research and Information System (RIS) in New Delhi. This not only because this rash with the tradition of the Non-Aligned Movement and the cooperation within the group would break the 77th Even in recent developments see Chaturvedi new barriers to be close cooperation. He cited the return of the social standard debate in the U.S. Congress and the agricultural protection's notes of the new French President Sarkozy. More important than cooperation with the G8 is therefore the first independent development O5 initiatives under the South-South cooperation.
got approval from Song Hong from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing. In any case, tend to prefer the China multilateral structures such as the United Nations. This will remain so as long as the structure and the identity of the G8 does not change anything, for example, towards a true extension to a kind of "mini-UN".
Some other accents Fatima Vianna Mello sat by the Brazilian NGO FASE education. A strengthening of the South in the global governance structures is not enough, it must be associated with the change of policy content and agenda, which is why the involvement of civil society actors is so important. Reservations about the G8, it said Elizabeth Sidiropoulos (SAIIA) is added, are certainly not synonymous with abstinence from Global Governance in general. Chaturvedi Mello and the importance of regional and / or sectoral initiatives highlighted in the South. The G20 (within the WTO) or the new Latin American integration initiatives, but also the cooperation of India, Brazil and South Africa in the framework of IBSA or the Chiang Mai Initiative are a Southern perspective "organic" processes.
Also the G20 initiative (Finance Minister) Chaturvedi wanted to grant only a sectoral level. The appreciation to L20 (Leaders) as a new global structure, he did not consider it feasible or desirable. Remarkably open to the embedding of an L20 in UN Strukuren showed the same meeting one of the "inventor" the L20 idea ( >>>> W & D background, Jul-Aug 2006 ), Johannes F. Linn of the Wolfensohn Center in Washington.
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