was followed by a brief summary of responsibilities among the "protest modules". In the camps have spent the night during the week around 18,000 people, the self-government was possible only by the many voluntary helpers. Critical View, however, was the poor communication with the BAO Kavala, the Rostock police department, or its repeated threat of evacuation of the camps. The campaign showed Block G8 was very pleased and felt positive about, rightly, that - despite some provocations by the police - the part of the peaceful protesters remained. The organizers of the Alternative Summit thanked the 2,000 visitors for their active participation.
The Legal Team that the apprehended Demonstrators legal aid offered, presented his preliminary results: So it was during the week to 1136 arrests, of which 95% are considered illegal. At the end of the week of protest for the first 600 people arrested were again confirmed as free, the fate of others is still unclear.
The rally itself was the excesses of violence after the mass demonstration usually no or - given only very tentative opinions - if then. Rather a reflection process was announced. Inside, the alliance set up in my view, principles for future cooperation between the various organizations, which is essential for be the future picture of the global justice movement. It is quite possible that such a political activist and width, as it gave them to these G8 protests in Germany will have been unique.
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