(1) Gothenburg in Rostock
The flow pattern is known. A block of Autonomous breaks away from the march and begin the ritual. Firebombs and stones fly, cars burned and store windows are smashed. What took place yesterday in Rostock, has its historical parallel in the riots on the outskirts of the EU summit in 2001. To content it was there just as yesterday. What has surprised all of yesterday, the police, as well as the organizers of the mass demonstration, was the large number the autonomous and the brutality of their conduct. Even the fire department they would not be granted, as they had to do their jobs.
The organizers of the demonstration, a big, loud, colorful and peaceful demonstration would have condemned the activities of the Autonomous morning sharp. They also expressed understanding for the police, it had acted on the whole of the arrangements. However, the question remains whether it is against "offenders" (as the language regime of the police) not means other than the large-scale use of water cannons and tear gas that plague to necessarily always peaceful demonstrators have stepped inside.
(2) problematic concept: 'choreography of resistance'
question also remains whether the concept was known in advance, "choreography of resistance ', is really the last word. Failed to be found yesterday at least insofar as associated with him was the hope, can really integrate all spectra "of the movement" in the protest. This hope has proved illusory. It is downright naive, now if some see Autonomous "convince" them to be able to let the attacks on the police better.
The need to make new and open discussion on how the "margins" the movement or to those non-political forces whose primary function in the convergent interaction with the other side is to handle the future is. Many tend to the events of Rostock now back to the view that one can not get everything under one roof, but that also proves to be the responsibility of a motion is to apply force to the distinction.

particularly those people who wanted to demonstrate peacefully in advance of the G8 for their ideals - such as many of the big red balloon visible supporters of the movement with erlassjahr.de the demand for deletion of odious debts - may now look to be related to some of the fruit. For it was in fact one of the most imaginative and colorful solidarity demonstrations in recent years (see photo). And it would have the ritual rioting at the edges and in the Rostock city not given, it would have been also the lasting impression.
There would not be so fallen into the weight that the total number of demonstrators - whether it is now 30,000, as the police, or up to 80,000 were estimated as the organizers - are in any case, lagged far behind the announcements. Retrieved from "unprecedented mobilization" is certainly not more IF THE ABOVE can talk easily. For many potential protesters like the fear of violent incidents are playing with. But the fact that the number had 100,000 participants in the run-anywhere set so also says something about the importance of media hegemony and skill that has become the global justice movement now. There is great care and intensified political work require this to be maintained even after the events in Rostock.
(4) and Rostock Genoa versus Gleneagles?
Little is helpful in the design and artificial juxtaposition of different cultures summit protest, to say, "Here is the militant spirit Genoa and Rostock - there the tame demonstrators from Gleneagles and the rock stars who went to the G8 propaganda into the trap ", as they unfortunately again yesterday by Walden Bello (Focus on the Global South) was tried at the final rally. On the contrary: one can only hope that the actions of the coming week, especially the alternative summit of 5-7. June and the great concert of action Your voice against poverty on 7 June, the impression will be corrected by the unsuccessful launch.
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