Thursday, June 7, 2007

How Do I Burn A Cdg Disc

than half a breakthrough in climate policy: UN mandate, yes, no reduction target published

is the view of the North-South Initiative German Watch it succeeded at the G8 summit to throw open the door for serious UN climate negotiations. The agreement is found in the public today G8 Declaration on Growth and Responsibility in the Global Economy " . All G8 countries recognize after the report of the IPCC as a scientific basis. without mentioning it by name, thereby referring to the two-degree threshold is taken big risks. According to the IPCC are in a temperature increase of 1.5 to 2.5 degrees C raised the "major changes" are possible. A weakness of the result, however, is that the two-degree limit is not explicitly recognized. The need for legally binding United Nations agreement with substantial greenhouse gas reductions will be recognized, however.

The EU countries were here to leave as required by German Watch, not easily put off with empty phrases like "substantial reductions". It had succeeded in Together with Japan and Canada, the magnitude of the necessary reduction hang as yardstick. However, whether a sufficient probability to stay below the two degree limit, only given when a base year set in 1990 based.

It is recognized that the UN was not one, but the appropriate forum for future negotiations. The attempt by the U.S. government to overturn this process had been rejected so completely. The G8 countries agreed to, by 2009, the post-2012 agreement within the UN framework to negotiate over. That is the strongest part of the final text. The U.S. proposal for a conference with the most polluting countries will be in a constructive contribution to the UN process redefined. Christoph Bals, political director of the German Watch, comments on the G8 agreement: "Our central climate policy benchmark for the G8 summit was the two-degree limit in fact the door was thrown open for a way to keep the global temperature rise below this major risk threshold.. " At the G8 summit, the foundation stone was laid for a negotiation process that can achieve this goal. In particular, the United States and Russia would have but refused to commit now to this goal already. The next few months would show whether the Bush government in the implementation of what was promised at home and at the UN climate talks become serious.


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