Although originally announced by the federal government as the main focus of the summit, one has to look for in terms of global economy development with new elements of the motion - but they are not. The G8 celebrate the global economic growth and praise for their respective economic policies during the G8 itself the "business as usual 'pledge to be the emerging markets encourages all kinds, such as greater monetary flexibility, reduce their currency surpluses or to reduce disparities. On the issue of financial stability, particularly in the transparency and monitoring of hedge funds was the federal government does not impose more than already in the communiqué of the Minister of Finance stood.
The stronger the declaration stresses the interest of the G8 on the "freedom of investment and to enhance the promotion and protection of innovations and patents. The first relates to the "social dimension of globalization". Here is - probably the first time in a G8 document - some confirmed, of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational companies to the Decent Work Agenda of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), but only asserts the implementation in practical new initiatives will be made. The second point, the innovation question, are becoming the G8 now on a "new dialogue" with emerging countries, probably because is becoming increasingly clear that these are not so willingly provided the agenda of the North, that more patent protection equal to more development is to accept. Here, the G8 will be at least as "drill thick boards (Merkel) to those in other areas, although the" Heiligendamm process "after the now adopted Declaration is initially designed for only two years.
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