Monday, June 11, 2007

Father Son Penis Similarities

That was the G8 Blog of the newsletter world economy and development, and the Heinrich Boell Foundation

By Rainer Falk and Barbara Unmüßig

He was, therefore, the G8 summit! Never has there been so many critical social events, demonstrations and actions. This was also a top, experienced the unacceptable, violent riots, and sparked a debate about the fundamental right to demonstrate has. And it was not last a summit whose content and political substance can hardly be beaten yet:

After all, a triple step for the climate negotiating process within the UN framework and - not to be underestimated - a united EU, but no breakthrough for effective climate protection, the so- sorely needed it, given the tight time frame and responsibility of the G8 countries.

A significant step backwards in the Africa policy: bring to recycle old resolutions, without a concrete implementation plan and no further undermined Africa all credibility of the G8.

Finally, an apparent solution in terms of global governance: a fixed term of two years of institutionalized dialogue with the five major emerging countries, but only on issues that the North and the G8 at heart. All this is not dialogue on an equal footing, yet visionary leadership, "nor efficient management of globalization. Once again, it has become clear what a anachronistic structure, the G8 has now become, after all, was taken up once to turn the fortunes of the world economy and world politics for the better.

nearly four months, we now have the preparatory process and the G8 summit itself accompanies this weblog. In more than 90 entries and 17 guest commentary was hardly an aspect of the summit events unlit. We reported the counter-activities, as well as from the official meetings of large demonstrations as well as by smaller discussion groups and seminars. The response was very positive.

As we finish this blog today, we will continue the process of globalization issues. The summit process has "under construction of globalization "left behind, which continue to require our efforts.

The movement for global justice are the days of Rostock and Heiligendamm made great progress, but also new reflection and clarification. The image of the unsuccessful start to increase during the summit week, not happily bonded. The agreement was signed, the content profile of the alternative summit, the resounding "No" against any violence, the courage of the blockade participants to articulate their civil disobedience, peaceful, and the media coverage of the great concert of action "Your voice against poverty".

The Heinrich Boell Foundation will continue its commitment to environmentally and socially and gender equitable world economy and an effective and equitable climate together with its partners around the world. Whether alternative proposals at this global Agrahandelssystem or just resources and raw materials policy , the future of emissions trading or multilateral governance, we will get involved and make a contribution that the civil society with its political ideas and projects voice heard and more and more able to enforce.

also newsletter World Economy & Development (W & E) will edit this blog and will present the issues raised in the very next week (>>> W & E 06/2007 ) a thorough analytical evaluation of the official summit results. In our series background On the way to Heiligendamm - The European Civil Society we will be engaged more strongly with the problems of financing for development and reform of development aid. As early as next month starts our new series "From Monterrey to Doha ( >>> W & E 03-04/2007) to accompany the next stage of the development debate is. And for our W & D blog sites of globalization we are already planning a relaunch soon.

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Pickings II: Completion of the G8 protest week - Starts a new process of reflection?

(Michael Kömm) At the end of the week had called the protest organizations again at a joint rally in the city's harbor. At the beginning, they recognized that the many colorful protests a clear stand against the political institution of the G8 and its policies have set. Despite numerous donations, there is unfortunately still a deficit and therefore will continue to ask for donations .

was followed by a brief summary of responsibilities among the "protest modules". In the camps have spent the night during the week around 18,000 people, the self-government was possible only by the many voluntary helpers. Critical View, however, was the poor communication with the BAO Kavala, the Rostock police department, or its repeated threat of evacuation of the camps. The campaign showed Block G8 was very pleased and felt positive about, rightly, that - despite some provocations by the police - the part of the peaceful protesters remained. The organizers of the Alternative Summit thanked the 2,000 visitors for their active participation.

The Legal Team that the apprehended Demonstrators legal aid offered, presented his preliminary results: So it was during the week to 1136 arrests, of which 95% are considered illegal. At the end of the week of protest for the first 600 people arrested were again confirmed as free, the fate of others is still unclear.

The rally itself was the excesses of violence after the mass demonstration usually no or - given only very tentative opinions - if then. Rather a reflection process was announced. Inside, the alliance set up in my view, principles for future cooperation between the various organizations, which is essential for be the future picture of the global justice movement. It is quite possible that such a political activist and width, as it gave them to these G8 protests in Germany will have been unique.

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Pickings I: final podium of the Alternative Summit

(Michael Kömm) Once again flocked around 1,000 people in the Rostock Nicolai church to witness the final plenary of the alternative summit (see photo). The closing speech was the winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize, Vandana Shiva. In it she referred to the importance of living democracy, referred to strengthen and expand it applies. The aim must be to the profit-motivated acts of transnational corporations (eg through the use of genetic engineering and patent protection with anti-social TRIPS) to halt and to preserve the biodiversity of the world. Shiva demanded that the vibrant democracy, "a freedom has to be reinvented," in which people break those laws that jeopardize the future of humanity. It should, however, with non-violence and solidarity to expect the highest possible influence. At the end of the podium, a clear sign of solidarity to the many thousands of peaceful blocking was sent - both verbal and financial forms.
summary, I think
that the alternative summit - peace in the complementarity had a big part in that the G8 action days are seen after the riots last Saturday again in a positive light - blockades. Even the most numerous participants were inspired by the positive atmosphere and participated actively in the various discussion groups. However, one should be realistic: the Alternative Summit as a place of innovation to see - this claim is too high. Rather, it is a good way to make active education and discourses into the public domain. Now the actors carry the movement beyond the summit of these discourses and in everyday life anchor. Then the alternative summit in the medium term impact of globalization Movement unfold.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

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Once again, Africa: The big disappointment and the double standards of the summit

That the federal government wants to sell the Heiligendamm Summit as a great success does not take a miracle. As for the decisions to Africa, but he was a great disappointment. After all the hype that has in advance and held parallel to the subject, one might have expected more than the vague affirmation of the promise of Gleneagles and the nebulous announcement, at an unspecified time up to 60 billion dollars for the fight against HIV / Output AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis do.

Many NGOs - and this time, unlike in Gleneagles, the rock stars - are now terrified. But The summit of Heiligendamm in terms of Africa and development assistance, only the old tradition of writing vague statements of intent, which has always been a hallmark of the G8.

While some of the media, the official song of the success of the summit singing along, the more serious of them refer to the damage that the G8 now using its Africa policy. While they are in their Africa declaration as detailed as ever before good governance, good governance, preach, they shave themselves not in the least to keep to their commitments once made. To the summit of hypocrisy and double standards this year became the so-called Africa Outreach (see photo) ie the invitation of some African leaders at the side table. In this context, the G8 welcomed this time also the new Nigerian President Umara Yar'Adua. Who was coming in through an electoral fraud to power, as the EU observers noted unanimous. After publication of his inauguration, no Western head of state, he could now occur in Heiligendamm as a representative of the "new Africa". In the print edition of the Financial Times yesterday hailed two large corporations this breakthrough: "Nigeria's new president arrives. G8 Summit: Ready for Business ". Business is always so good against good governance.

Friday, June 8, 2007

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Heiligendamm Process: One small step, but not a substitute for global governance reform

The Heiligendamm process for which the federal government received the endorsement of its G8 partners, is a small step, but by far not a substitute for a democratic reform of the global governance system. A "new partnership", a "new form of specific cooperation" and especially in particular a "new form of topic-specific dialogue" to the G8 in the next two years with the so-called Outreach 5 countries (O5) China, India, Brazil, South Africa and Mexico maintain as at the end of World Economics declaration means of Heiligendamm. As a platform for the federal government - initially limited to two Years - the OECD proposed what came first with skepticism, but then, after being assured that it merely "technical facilities"'m accepted, was.

The themes of this Heiligendamm process are only those of interest to the north and the G8: innovation and patent protection, freedom of investment, joint responsibility for Africa (hides behind it the intention of the O5 "new donors" in the OECD to get) and not least the question of who contributes how much in future to reduce CO2 emissions. - In advance of Heiligendamm, the G5 countries but sent several signals that they are with each other in the sense a stronger South-South coordination would better match. What is the O5-specific interest in the new cooperation with the G8 remains at present unclear. It is noteworthy however that the Formulierungwen in joint statement by the G8 and O5 have been far less dogmatically.

For the Federal Government was the O5 approach of the "middle way" between the status quo and the serious attempt to expand the G8, or even to replace it by a truly representative body. But not only the "G-8 partners" - including the Chancellor himself - wanted to retain the anachronistic G8 construction. The Arguments that have been conducted for the field are brought about by the hair pulled (it was the "small intimate circle" or be it the G8 as worthy of preservation "community of values"). The stopgap measure that is now the result is a pseudo-solution, which remains a world away from the global governance reforms that are on the agenda.

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impressions of the alternative summit: often exciting, but sometimes imprecise

(Michael Kömm) After the exciting opening of the alternative summit on Tuesday night awaited the participants on Wednesday a wide range: With eight panels and 120 workshops, the program was filled to bursting, so you always had a concern at least as interesting event miss at the same time to. First, I attended the panel "The Global Europe Strategy: A serious threat to development and the environment" part. The strategy of the EU Commission - said Peter Fuchs WEED - as it describes the external, external side of the Lisbon strategy, the EU wants the world to rise to the "most competitive" region. Among other things, it's about at present, given the stalled trade liberalization at the multilateral level (within the WTO) a "bilateral" supplement to create.

referred in this context Ghanaian trade expert from the African Trade Network Gyeke Tanoh on the strategic role of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPAs) which the EU is currently negotiating with ACP countries. Although the Green MEP Frithjof Schmidt said the critical view of the EPAs, he took courage for the further support of the negotiations. For the balance of political power in this process are far from clear.

The international strategy workshop on "Innovative development financing, public goods and financial markets," the WEED, Global Public Finance and the European Network on CTT (Currency Transaction Tax ") to line up, dealt with concrete strategies for second UN Conference on Financing for Development in late 2008 in Doha place should ( >>> W & E 03-04/2007 ) and for the critical review of the implementation of the Paris Declaration on quality of development aid, which is scheduled for September 2008 in Accra. Afternoon, it became even more practical: Resolved, concrete steps, such as a common website and a joint book project.

Another highlight I hoped the evening of the panel discussion "The anti-globalization movement - balance and perspectives". But my hopes were sadly disappointed. For the PanelistInnen could stand apart from the purely philosophical introduction John Holloway's only slightly: Terms were used completely out of focus, a strong anti-globalization movement was caused constructed concrete future steps were - if any - kept completely general, and - were the current discourse on the question of violence virtually ignored - especially. More realism and self-criticism of the event would have done well.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

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than half a breakthrough in climate policy: UN mandate, yes, no reduction target published

is the view of the North-South Initiative German Watch it succeeded at the G8 summit to throw open the door for serious UN climate negotiations. The agreement is found in the public today G8 Declaration on Growth and Responsibility in the Global Economy " . All G8 countries recognize after the report of the IPCC as a scientific basis. without mentioning it by name, thereby referring to the two-degree threshold is taken big risks. According to the IPCC are in a temperature increase of 1.5 to 2.5 degrees C raised the "major changes" are possible. A weakness of the result, however, is that the two-degree limit is not explicitly recognized. The need for legally binding United Nations agreement with substantial greenhouse gas reductions will be recognized, however.

The EU countries were here to leave as required by German Watch, not easily put off with empty phrases like "substantial reductions". It had succeeded in Together with Japan and Canada, the magnitude of the necessary reduction hang as yardstick. However, whether a sufficient probability to stay below the two degree limit, only given when a base year set in 1990 based.

It is recognized that the UN was not one, but the appropriate forum for future negotiations. The attempt by the U.S. government to overturn this process had been rejected so completely. The G8 countries agreed to, by 2009, the post-2012 agreement within the UN framework to negotiate over. That is the strongest part of the final text. The U.S. proposal for a conference with the most polluting countries will be in a constructive contribution to the UN process redefined. Christoph Bals, political director of the German Watch, comments on the G8 agreement: "Our central climate policy benchmark for the G8 summit was the two-degree limit in fact the door was thrown open for a way to keep the global temperature rise below this major risk threshold.. " At the G8 summit, the foundation stone was laid for a negotiation process that can achieve this goal. In particular, the United States and Russia would have but refused to commit now to this goal already. The next few months would show whether the Bush government in the implementation of what was promised at home and at the UN climate talks become serious.

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Summit Declaration Growth and Responsibility in the global economy

Behind the backdrop of talk of a "climate breakthrough" (separate entry to follow), the Federal Government this afternoon Summit Declaration "Growth and Responsibility in the World Economy" (Growth and Responsibility in the World Economy ) published. This corresponds broadly to the estimates that were published after the leakage of the first designs in this blog and in S & E ( >>> W & D Extra June 2007). Besides the chapter on Energy security and climate change holds the declaration made before all the hard economic interests that bind together the G8 with the rest of the world: growth and stability, freedom of investment and investment environment, promoting and protecting innovation and intellectual property.

Although originally announced by the federal government as the main focus of the summit, one has to look for in terms of global economy development with new elements of the motion - but they are not. The G8 celebrate the global economic growth and praise for their respective economic policies during the G8 itself the "business as usual 'pledge to be the emerging markets encourages all kinds, such as greater monetary flexibility, reduce their currency surpluses or to reduce disparities. On the issue of financial stability, particularly in the transparency and monitoring of hedge funds was the federal government does not impose more than already in the communiqué of the Minister of Finance stood.

The stronger the declaration stresses the interest of the G8 on the "freedom of investment and to enhance the promotion and protection of innovations and patents. The first relates to the "social dimension of globalization". Here is - probably the first time in a G8 document - some confirmed, of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational companies to the Decent Work Agenda of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), but only asserts the implementation in practical new initiatives will be made. The second point, the innovation question, are becoming the G8 now on a "new dialogue" with emerging countries, probably because is becoming increasingly clear that these are not so willingly provided the agenda of the North, that more patent protection equal to more development is to accept. Here, the G8 will be at least as "drill thick boards (Merkel) to those in other areas, although the" Heiligendamm process "after the now adopted Declaration is initially designed for only two years.

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The Fear of NGOs in Heiligendamm: But again only crumbs from the table of the rich

What the Rich so far have been attacked by her table, were not more than crumbs. There was a risk that this will not be any different at this summit, said today Kumi Naidoo, spokesman for the Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) from South Africa to the international press in Heiligendamm / Kuehlungsborn. If the summit fails, this was not the responsibility of the population in G8 countries, but clearly the failure of the leaders of G8. Even Bono and Geldof NGO DATA spoke after a second interview the pop star with Chancellor Merkel of the "small steps of the G8," which do not obstruct the view allowed for that they have to go a long way to fulfill their promise. Herbert Grönemeyer said at the beginning of the concert just started, the P8 in Rostock (our photo shows the Berlin band Seeed), in the present state of things missing from the German development aid by 2010, 5.1 billion. "There is not enough for us Merkel throws € 750,000 feet."

particular concern is preparing the NGOs that programs to combat HIV / AIDS in developing countries is not the necessary financial commitments are obtained. Not more wordy explanations about the severity of the problem are in demand, but concrete grants to do something about it can. 10 million people are increasingly realizing women have to rely on treatment by 2010, and 7 million were already there, raises Oxfam Interantional out. "Germany has the issue on the agenda, and wants a success. The opportunity must not be missed. Some countries, including Italy and Canada are trying, apparently to prevent any commitment to specific numbers. The negotiations are in full swing. The German negotiators should persevere until the checks are signed, "said Reinhard Hermle, development policy adviser at Oxfam Germany.

Oxfam occurs also advocate that the G8 to contribute to overcoming the glaring lack of skilled health care personnel in the order of 4.25 million missing doctors, doctors and nurses and to strengthen public health systems in developing countries. The financing must be holistic and coordinated. Hospitals without medical researchers and nurses do not help.

After Oxfam's opinion is also hampered access to affordable medicines through existing trade rules to allow the drug companies monopoly rights to the competition threaten with generics and keep drug prices high. The drugs campaign MSF pointed out that the so-called outreach agenda constitutes a direct threat to access to affordable medicines in Latin America. O5 is the account under which the federal government to "take responsibility", the emerging economies of Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa. Countries such as Brazil and India but the most important producers of generic drugs for their own population and the development of the world at large. The lever that could prevent in the future is the "strengthening of intellectual property rights."

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As the neo-Nazis, the critics of globalization exploit

(Michael Kömm) After last weekend, some Nazis marched through the Brandenburg Gate, followed on Tuesday a more disturbing message: Under the motto "For freedom of expression and freedom of assembly - No to violence," reported the NPD demonstration for 7 June in Rostock on. As a result, the Nazis attempt as a peaceful alternative to the critics of globalization to present in public - in allusion to the autonomous riots after the mass demonstration last Saturday.

straight on this issue "right-G8 protests and" had the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ( on Tuesday to a small discussion meeting in her office invited Rostock (see photo). First, the assessor described in the Federal Executive of Alliance 90/The Greens, Astrid Rothe-Beinlich, as the Nazis are trying to reinterpret the concept of globalization criticism for their own purposes: globalization is seen as a threat to the "culturally homogeneous" peoples, and particularly the political class (especially the U.S. and Israel) and immigrants are identified as enemies. Looking at the global injustice, it is a madness that the Nazis believed that Germany was among the losers of globalization.

In a second Green was part of the state chairman Jurgen Suhr and the precise location of the problem right in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It is highly debatable that go Nazis are offensive in public discourse, trying to gain acceptance of democratic and exploit the democratic system. Therefore, we must confront the Nazis with powerful word contributions. A collaboration joins definitely off - no matter what the topic. And the media have a responsibility, one of which clearly rejecting coverage is required of racist and nationalist discourses. Especially the federal government is too lax on the issue: the strategy, only to put crisis intervention, instead of showing fight the right preventive, how little would the government deal with this problem. In the long run right to be defeated only if we invest in a good educational system in which people are no longer Excludes or even stigmatized. On the part of the 40 participants of the discussion but were given a clear sign: Fascism is not an opinion - but a crime!

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Forced To Smell My Mother's Feet

climate justice at the alternative summit: Still, there is a deep ditch

(Jörg Haas) "Justice is in the climate issue a luxury that we can not afford. Justice is not Matter of rhetoric, we can forget about it when it comes to action goes. This is a matter which requires the cooperation of all, and you will not get justice without this cooperation. " Sunita Narain, director of the Indian Centre for Science and Environment and years of productive observer of the climate debate has been on the podium of the alternative summit so much. (Here her most recent article the state of the climate debate). The Climate Justice considers that it is not only an inter-national challenge, but also an intra-national, within each country.

Rocholl Martin, chairman of Friends of the Earth Europe , used to the challenge of climate justice made clear. He represented two principles: the environmental principle that the earth is limited and must keep our use of resources and production of exhaust gases to these limits. And the justice principle that every person is entitled in principle an equal share of the environmental resources of the earth. This suggests that the emissions have every U.S. American by now 20 tons of CO2 per year, and every German of about 10 tons of CO2 per year to about 2 t CO2 per year down. (The Powerpoint presentation will take place off tonight at ).

differences to come, as Elmar Altvater attack on emissions trading. The flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol are not a fair system, and only one way through the dubious projects in the South would only further emissions permits in the north. It was important the climate does not allow the market mechanism, the problem can not be solved by the same mechanisms with which it was created. - Why not, I wonder. If it is not - political, created - markets that have the rapid development of renewable energy brought? Is the market mechanism, the problem or the political environment in which it operates?

Klaus Milke ( German Watch and Air Alliance called) the undeniable problems of both the European emissions trading scheme and the flexible mechanisms, part of a learning process. It is important and right that CO2 get a prize. And Martin Rocholl pointed out that we need both: bans, that is the harsh intervention of regulatory law, and market instruments, if used correctly.

Elmar Altvater to thinking: It would be highly politically naive to get involved with those in neo-liberal principles-based instruments. Ultimately, though acting in the markets for emission rights will financial market players who had no interest in climate change, but just wanted to maximize their profit. This would allow an interest in reducing pollution, but rather to obtain.

Objection, Your Honor: The political debate on the European emissions trading showed just how fall apart in this matter, the interests of corporations: While the big energy companies (and, unfortunately, the unions of earning up IGBCE) to a generous allocation of emission rights urged there were financial market players, such as the German bank, Dresdner Bank, or the urge to capping emissions rights. This is logical: you have an interest in ensuring that emissions trading works, because only then can they deserve as a broker it. And without politically created shortages can work no emissions trading.

was clear this controversy, which divide in climate policy still prevails. Has the critical of capitalism left a credible instrument to avert tanker disaster capitalism from the air without using the tools of capitalism? The environmental movement has ruled in its majority for fighting climate change by all means - even if it is with market economy. Much material for debate ...

Photo: Simon Kramer

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spectacular start of the Alternative Summit : Ziegler provides new planetary civil movement

So full was probably long outgrown the church. The Rostock St. Peter's Church was bursting at the seams, as last night by the G8 Alternative Summit was opened with much more than the 1500 expected participants. For two days, the attention will now be directed to substantive debates, exchange of experience and the development of concrete alternatives to the currently dominant form of globalization. He had great respect for the power and dynamics, with the development of the German civil society, Jean Ziegler, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, said in the morning already in several television interviews. Countless panels, workshops and seminars, the organizers - a German NGO in the history rarely broad range of organizations and initiatives - Prepared for the two conference days. Whoever comes here, the interest the serious discussion, not the protest as L'art pour l'art.

Speaking Jean Ziegler (see photo of Simon Kremer) coined three consistent themes. There is no inevitability of daily massacre (in which a child dies every few minutes). All global ills are man made and can be reformed by people radically. And: We are at a crossroads at which a new planetary civil society - the "new historical subject" - and breaks up, starting with the negation of the existing world order, look for alternatives. But there is no prefabricated models: "The way to make your feet yourself," said Ziegler, a wealth of historical examples and philosophical quotations, but also concrete cases from the world of (almost) all-powerful corporations and the global political oligarchy of the G8 was ready for his ideas to . explain It was important to the speaker, the distribution of optimism, but he forbade the realism, the clear answer to the question: who wins, the jungle or grounded in the Enlightenment and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reason? - How much Ziegler is in the end, radical pragmatist, his response revealed to the question about his role as UN special rapporteur. He firmly believed in the Declaration the United Nations, and in his everyday work, there is both hope and bitter defeats, such as if he can prevail on the UN for the first time the establishment of a land registry in Guatemala (which are many small farmers a guarantee of their land) or if it an international right to stay wants to impose on hunger refugees from Africa, the EU makes him but then a spanner in the works.

The subsequent panel discussion at the Thuli Makama (Friends of the Earth Swaziland), Madjiguene Cissé (sans paper, Senegal) and Annelie Buntenbach (DGB) attempted the ambitious topic of the opening panel (think globalization differently ") break to the level of real movements and experiences down - admittedly a difficult task for Ziegler fireworks. Perhaps it would have been better if the moderator, Ulrich Brandt of the University of Kassel, where the participants more room to articulate their own experience, would rather restructure process and issues only to their own preferences. But that should the curiosity of the participants on new proposals and concrete alternatives, did after switching to the criticism of the G8 and our own local issues not diminish.

Note A team of young journalists, correspondents of the MDG, the German branch of the UN Millennium Campaign sent to Heiligendamm. find your reports are >> here> . An audio podcast the start of the G8 Alternative Summit Simon Kremer can >>> here be heard.

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Guest Commentary: People go before Profit - The G8 will not solve the problems

By Heike Hänsel, Member of Parliament

The G8 summit in Heiligendamm, the most expensive will be. The federal government expects taxpayers € 120 million. 16 000 police officers from all over Germany, 1,100 soldiers, combat divers of the Navy, Coast Guard boats, Phantom fighter aircraft and a 3.5 km long steel net off the coast to the safety the leaders make. But the fence was built around Heiligendamm about costs, about € 12 million. The G8 summit is not only costly - it is accompanied by increasing repression. Union leaders want to send out the GSG 9 counter-demonstrators, SPD leaders demand the use of rubber bullets. In the context of the summit, new security standards are established, such as the hidden-line searches of hard drives. "Globalization with a human face" promises Chancellor Merkel - raids, scent samples, online searches tell a different story.

spite of all words over the so-called "Partnership with Africa: the G8, the problems of the South not resolve - their meeting is an expression of the unjust and destructive world order, which produces these problems. Poverty and lack of food in Africa, the balance of decades of neo-liberal economic and trade policy, for which the G8 countries is responsible to its dominant influence on World Bank, IMF and OECD, and which continues in the political agenda of the German G8 Presidency , which has declared the world free trade, investment protection, and global access to energy sources to the central goals.

The Left continues its hopes, therefore, on other players: We, African civil society support in its call for solidarity Trade relations between EU and Africa. The negotiations on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) that the federal government is pushing for a EU president currently must be exposed and reoriented: non-market access and investment protection for EU companies, but the development needs of ACP societies must be the focus. In Latin America by way of alternative economic integration already tested in concrete terms: Under the agreement, ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas), the trade is complementary and designed with the needs of the participating companies. Here are points of reference for a future more just world economic order. Such can not be enforced, but only against the G8.

Heike Hänsel is a member of the German Bundestag and the Group of the Left in the Committee for Economic Cooperation and Development (EEZ).

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How does a protest camp: self-government with an international flair

(Michael Kömm) For young critics of globalization, it is a question of propriety, while the action to go around the G8 summit held in a camp in a hotel. After all, say critics of globalization and consumerism. And indeed, life in a camp is much more pleasant than most can imagine. First, there is a very colorful and, above all, international Bunch of people together, to unite (English for urban areas) in their respective groups in so-called Barrios. In various concerts and discussions with globalization-critical celebrities such as John Holloway and Elmar Altvater there are many possibilities of exchange of the various groups and individuals. are particularly popular training blockade, intended to give tips in addition to blocking particular legal knowledge so that everybody can decide for themselves how much civil disobedience they wish to practice it.

The camps are completely self-managed, and made the camp AG the protest alliance ( is a great preparatory work and the Basic infrastructure has prepared. For the daily self-administration include cooking in Volkxküchen (public kitchens), dishwashing, security from unwanted guests (mainly police and Nazis) and the general arrangements in plenary sessions. The cleanliness of the toilets as mobile toilets and outdoor showers (with refreshing cool wet) is organized and has so far worked very well. The food is always vegan and pure organic certified and is a voluntary donation from each spent between 2-3 €. The night itself is free, but asked for a donation of 5 € per person / night - but social discrimination is clearly be avoided.

course there are differences between the camps, If I was the first two days at the camp in Rostock-Bramow, which offers an old industrial site space for 5,000 people. Due to the high interest of this had to be expanded spontaneously, which made the atmosphere of the camp a little hectic. What about a more peaceful and tranquil, however, is the camp at 16 km Reddelich, in the last few days I - I - along with 4,000 other activists. The connection to Rostock is secured by a train every hour commuting (day and night!). Ultimately it is the only disadvantage of the camps that you meet too many interesting people and to some extent good discipline needed to do in addition to the nice talks, including his work duties. But this discipline, it is worth to enjoy the international flair of the self-managed co-existence.

Photo: protest Reddelich. Nearby, between Bad Doberan and Kuehlungsborn, where the media center is to demonstrate today 8000-10000 people against the G8 summit.

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Action: Flight and Migration: For global freedom of movement

(Michael Kömm) "No border - no nation - stop deportation," said sounded the claims of some 10,000 protesters in Rostock on their way from refugee camps in the city harbor Satowerstraße on Monday under of action Flight and Migration. Since the police had stopped the demonstration several times because several participants wore hoods, the march was delayed by several hours. Last called the police even a change in the demonstration route in the outskirts of the city due to the excessive number of demonstrators. Then released the demo line to the event as it will to freedom of expression is no longer guaranteed saw.

were offered equal time on the university course information stands, exhibitions and films on migration policy and anti-racist themes. Interested citizens have been so special about the Fortress Europe and conditions in so-called departure centers (in plain text: deportation) informed.

Despite the resolution demonstration, the Alliance of action day (especially NoLager and Anti Racist Initiative Rostock organized, yet the planned final rally in the city's harbor with several bands and speakers from four continents. In particular the exploitation of migrants has been identified, in developed countries are usually as cheap labor to low-paid, insecure jobs (especially prostitution) forced. In addition to environmental and internal political reasons for migration also quite a number of reasons were cited, the make all the industrialized countries themselves in the responsibility particularly unilateral trade interests, inefficient development aid and political support of dictators indirect forcing some people of the south to flee to the north. At the same time draw the industrialized countries (especially the European Union and the USA) by a strict and sometimes even life-threatening foreclosure policy, are being exploited by offshore migration control, especially the coastal states. In addition, the speakers criticized the inhumane deportation and residence in the so-called repatriation centers. Therefore, the Alliance calls the action day: "Equal rights For All - For global freedom of movement "!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

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calculations of Global Policy Forum Europe: Even 750 million per year are not enough

notice to the Federal Government, the German development assistance in 2008 to grow by 750 million €, Jens Martens said of the Global Policy Forum Europe, this is a positive signal. The funds would be sufficient but by no means to achieve the goal of increasing official development assistance (ODA) by the year 2010 to 0.51% of gross national income. To this end, the federal government had committed but at EU level.

In the years 2005 and 2006 (and probably 2007), the German development aid statistics by debt relief, particularly against Iraq and Nigeria, at an annual rate more than 2 billion bloated € (2005: 2.77 billion, in 2006: 2.17 billion). This straw fire effect is eliminated from the year 2008, the German ODA would then be lower by about 2 billion €. The announced increase of € 750 million can not fill that hole alone. If the federal government is not prepared to mobilize additional resources, we will experience a slump in 2008, the German development aid - and not the need to increase to who has the Federal Government under the EU timetable required. "In particular, it would be fatal," says Martens, "if they did in the following years at the time increase would leave about 750 million €.

Continuous increase of aid budgets is essential. In addition, the federal government must finally follow suit in introducing innovative financial instruments. use the funds from the auctioning of carbon dioxide emission allowances for climate protection projects in the South would be a useful step. As the estimated total annual revenue of up to € 500 million but probably not even they would not be enough to close the development gap. The introduction of an air ticket levy and internationally coordinated taxes, particularly on aviation fuel and foreign currency transactions therefore remained the only option.

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A Million voices calling from G8: end poverty. Now! The Government must

Global Action Against Poverty (Global Call to Action Against Poverty, GCAP) In Berlin, Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister Tony Blair on the vote of more than a million voices against poverty along the way G8 summit in Heiligendamm, where. The Government should implement its development promise at last. Similar actions took place that day in Ottawa, Calgary, London and St. Petersburg. Although the G8 on the eve of Heiligendamm still divided on whether and what commitments made at Gleneagles should be reaffirmed. expect the 112 organized in GCAP national platforms from the top of concrete measures for more and better aid, fair world trade, a comprehensive debt relief and support for democratization processes in poor countries.

In two large balloons (see photo with Claudia Warning, VENRO, Angela Merkel, Tony Blair and Ulla Mikota, VENRO - left to right), representing the million vote is to read the core message: "One million voices, one message: poverty . end Now! Government must act night. "The chairman and managing director Claudia Warning Ulla Mikota of the Association of Development Policy (VENRO) gave the speech on behalf of GCAP to the two leaders. The Global Call to Action Against Poverty "will make in the coming days, the summit together with the German partners further pressure on the G8 countries.

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commentary act: four financial questions asked in which the actions of the G8

By Martin Khor

first Curb speculation. Long there is again a potential for a new global financial crisis. The activities of the G8 on the regulation of speculative financial flows were inadequate and dangerous new forms of speculation, in the form of hedge funds and financial derivatives are formed. The G8 must act, and to control hedge funds and derivatives and to regulate the movement of "hot money" and speculative funds, The issue should not be deleted from the agenda.

second It should be finite fundamental changes in the Bretton Woods institutions should be initiated. The IMF should withdraw from the economically conditioned lending to developing countries. The balance of the negative effects of its conditionality is devastating. The World Bank should be reformed and only approve loans for projects that meet the criteria of sustainable development. The system of governance of both institutions should be reformed, so that developing countries have given fair and representative voting rights. For the IMF last September granted measures are totally inadequate and in some respects even harmful.

third Expansion and deepening of debt relief. The trend to cancel the debt of certain developing countries should continue. The momentum in this regard must be sustained. Debt relief must be expanded to more countries, including those with extended middle-income. Furthermore, a mechanism for debt restructuring and rescheduling for countries to be created in financial difficulties, which allows them to suspend debt service until a debt restructuring scheme has been worked out.

4th Development assistance should be reformed so that the development needs these countries will meet, as was promised at previous G8 summits, but not implemented. Last year, the volume of aid has actually declined. But aid should as for research and development or for medical research in the fight against such diseases is rising, of which developing countries are particularly affected. Such R & D funds should be reserved for drugs that can not be patented, as the financing comes from yes the public sector. The drugs prices must be controlled so that it is accessible to the poor.

Martin Khor is Director of the Third World Network, Malaysia. His comment is based through a contribution to the Civil G8 Dialogue in advance of the G8 summit in Bonn.

Monday, June 4, 2007

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is back from Rostock to Kuehlungsborn and Real limited mobility

It is difficult to move in Rostock and the surrounding area. We also get to feel every day now. We? This concerns me and Michael Kömm of the Green Youth, contributing since today also entries on this blog, the first after his commentary on the 24th May report from yesterday's Global Day of Action agriculture (see below). As Michael observed

today's actions on global migration and mobility, I make my way into the press center to pick up my accreditation documents - a lesson in freedom of movement when you will. The official press center, a pilgrimage to the most of over 4,500 accredited media people, is located in Rostock, viewed from the west side of the fence around Heiligendamm, the "white pearl on the sea" around. By going through Bad Doberan away after all, some 50 km from Rostock - a scoundrel who thinks this would be intended to ensure that the Journaille the way to the many alternative events will not take place mostly in Rostock.

has actually set up the car a half-hour train to Bad Doberan and there a sentence Block traffic. But on this late morning runs only the third train, which is on the schedule. The railway staff and police stationed speaks alternately of blocks that turn out again as false positives. In any case, during the trip - in past two camps, where bleary-eyed most of the protesters - well, as everywhere, the security forces are distributed over the surrounding countryside. Occasionally, potential demonstrators are searched, but as it turned out later in the trip, enough people have arrived in the city, so the police a large deployment once fully ascends. The time must take into account the one to get from one place to another is smooth because twice as long. (So at least I have seen something on the outskirts of Rostock.)

Kühlungsborn is a Baltic Sea resort of Heiligendamm next directly, which blends the now-typical German oilskin-tourism with a global media circus. Anne Will send tomorrow straight from the coast, the rest of the NDR ("Best of the North") anyway. Directly from the coast - take this is sons are: There are open-air studios and presentation stages right on the beach - eventually to the viewers at home feel to be close to the water, just as the Great Eight next door in her luxury cage.

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action day global agriculture: illuminated Peaceful Rally for Food Sovereignty

(Michael Kömm) After the rioting on the eve of Sunday was peaceful as a day of action on global agriculture, had prepared a Action network Global Agriculture from various organizations of "BUKO campaign against biopiracy" to the attac-agricultural network. And international networks, such as Via and Confederation Paysanne Campesiana were involved. Morning, about 5,000 activists launched after a kick-off rally of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Rostock in the city, demanding the right to take agriculture and nutrition. The march was accompanied by several farm groups, clowns and puppets of the self-made large NGO network justice now! . For the musical accompaniment caused a samba group and "Klaus der Geiger" with his live band.

Those who wished could attend after a rally with various stations. The topics: G8 and global agriculture, food sovereignty and how they can be produced: through land reform, rejecting the use of genetic engineering, protection from dumping and fair rights for workers. There were two stations is the question of animal rights, where the factory farms (the so-called animal production) and their impact on the environment and humans, but animal experiments were discussed. Outside the rally was also a McDonalds visited by a group of clowns and a short time of about 200 demonstrators occupied. A further protest action in front of a Lidl supermarket was announced on Monday to protest against wage dumping both employees as well as producers.

The 15 km route of the rally for the final rally, the participants mastered by bike, skates or on foot. The rally took place on the edge of a field rather than in large-Lüsewitz. Actually it was planned to "liberate" the field of its genetically modified crops - which in practice means that the uprooting of the plants. Several hundred police officers prevented this, however (see photo by Christoph Müller), so that the demonstrators withdrew empty-handed. The Alliance understood this action at the same time, contributing to networking and preparing for the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP9) in Bonn in May 2008. There

Sunday, June 3, 2007

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Heiligendamm process critical of the South: a priority for regional and sectoral governance structures

strong reservations in the five so-called Oureach countries (O5), India, China, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa against the attempt by the federal government, these countries piecemeal pull it into the G8 process. Under the heading of Heiligendamm Process Berlin wants the G8 summit to start an institutionalized dialogue with emerging countries. Their skepticism made in the last week top scientists at an international conference of the German Society of the United Nations (UNA) in Berlin clearly. In collaboration with the Canadian Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), the German Development Institute (DIE), the Hertie School of Governnace, the South African Institute of Foreign Affairs (SAIIA) and the Heinrich Boell Foundation focused conference dealt to "democratize global governance" under the motto of the new power of emerging economies and the prospects for reform of the G8 forum, the United Nation and the summit architecture.

precaution to join the elite G8 club just when the opportunity to clear, for example, called Sachin Chaturvedi from the Research and Information System (RIS) in New Delhi. This not only because this rash with the tradition of the Non-Aligned Movement and the cooperation within the group would break the 77th Even in recent developments see Chaturvedi new barriers to be close cooperation. He cited the return of the social standard debate in the U.S. Congress and the agricultural protection's notes of the new French President Sarkozy. More important than cooperation with the G8 is therefore the first independent development O5 initiatives under the South-South cooperation.

got approval from Song Hong from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing. In any case, tend to prefer the China multilateral structures such as the United Nations. This will remain so as long as the structure and the identity of the G8 does not change anything, for example, towards a true extension to a kind of "mini-UN".

Some other accents Fatima Vianna Mello sat by the Brazilian NGO FASE education. A strengthening of the South in the global governance structures is not enough, it must be associated with the change of policy content and agenda, which is why the involvement of civil society actors is so important. Reservations about the G8, it said Elizabeth Sidiropoulos (SAIIA) is added, are certainly not synonymous with abstinence from Global Governance in general. Chaturvedi Mello and the importance of regional and / or sectoral initiatives highlighted in the South. The G20 (within the WTO) or the new Latin American integration initiatives, but also the cooperation of India, Brazil and South Africa in the framework of IBSA or the Chiang Mai Initiative are a Southern perspective "organic" processes.

Also the G20 initiative (Finance Minister) Chaturvedi wanted to grant only a sectoral level. The appreciation to L20 (Leaders) as a new global structure, he did not consider it feasible or desirable. Remarkably open to the embedding of an L20 in UN Strukuren showed the same meeting one of the "inventor" the L20 idea ( >>>> W & D background, Jul-Aug 2006 ), Johannes F. Linn of the Wolfensohn Center in Washington.

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opener in Rostock: Demonstration with two faces

(1) Gothenburg in Rostock
The flow pattern is known. A block of Autonomous breaks away from the march and begin the ritual. Firebombs and stones fly, cars burned and store windows are smashed. What took place yesterday in Rostock, has its historical parallel in the riots on the outskirts of the EU summit in 2001. To content it was there just as yesterday. What has surprised all of yesterday, the police, as well as the organizers of the mass demonstration, was the large number the autonomous and the brutality of their conduct. Even the fire department they would not be granted, as they had to do their jobs.

The organizers of the demonstration, a big, loud, colorful and peaceful demonstration would have condemned the activities of the Autonomous morning sharp. They also expressed understanding for the police, it had acted on the whole of the arrangements. However, the question remains whether it is against "offenders" (as the language regime of the police) not means other than the large-scale use of water cannons and tear gas that plague to necessarily always peaceful demonstrators have stepped inside.

(2) problematic concept: 'choreography of resistance'
question also remains whether the concept was known in advance, "choreography of resistance ', is really the last word. Failed to be found yesterday at least insofar as associated with him was the hope, can really integrate all spectra "of the movement" in the protest. This hope has proved illusory. It is downright naive, now if some see Autonomous "convince" them to be able to let the attacks on the police better.

The need to make new and open discussion on how the "margins" the movement or to those non-political forces whose primary function in the convergent interaction with the other side is to handle the future is. Many tend to the events of Rostock now back to the view that one can not get everything under one roof, but that also proves to be the responsibility of a motion is to apply force to the distinction.

(3) Colorful carnival, but less than expected
particularly those people who wanted to demonstrate peacefully in advance of the G8 for their ideals - such as many of the big red balloon visible supporters of the movement with the demand for deletion of odious debts - may now look to be related to some of the fruit. For it was in fact one of the most imaginative and colorful solidarity demonstrations in recent years (see photo). And it would have the ritual rioting at the edges and in the Rostock city not given, it would have been also the lasting impression.

There would not be so fallen into the weight that the total number of demonstrators - whether it is now 30,000, as the police, or up to 80,000 were estimated as the organizers - are in any case, lagged far behind the announcements. Retrieved from "unprecedented mobilization" is certainly not more IF THE ABOVE can talk easily. For many potential protesters like the fear of violent incidents are playing with. But the fact that the number had 100,000 participants in the run-anywhere set so also says something about the importance of media hegemony and skill that has become the global justice movement now. There is great care and intensified political work require this to be maintained even after the events in Rostock.

(4) and Rostock Genoa versus Gleneagles?
Little is helpful in the design and artificial juxtaposition of different cultures summit protest, to say, "Here is the militant spirit Genoa and Rostock - there the tame demonstrators from Gleneagles and the rock stars who went to the G8 propaganda into the trap ", as they unfortunately again yesterday by Walden Bello (Focus on the Global South) was tried at the final rally. On the contrary: one can only hope that the actions of the coming week, especially the alternative summit of 5-7. June and the great concert of action Your voice against poverty on 7 June, the impression will be corrected by the unsuccessful launch.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Letter Of Intent To Bvacate

Guest Commentary: The Dilemma of G8 Protest

By Jens Martens

A winner of the G8 summit has already been decided before the Helicopters of the leaders arrived in Heiligendamm: It is the global justice movement in Germany. She reached ahead of the summit an unprecedented mobilization of public and media presence. The hopes of attacking activists of the G8 summit would lead to the "makeover" for the critics of globalization have been fulfilled.

The flip side of the coin provide through their massive protests, the civil society groups, the leaders of the G8 until the media attention that their press offices and media consultant alone would never reach. By focusing on the G8 - albeit critical - refer them to contribute more institutional strengthening of this exclusive club instead of its legitimacy from. By catalog as claims like "Save the Climate", "underscores the debt" or "resolves the problems of Africa" to the G8 address, they stir up Omnipotenzillusionen and contribute inadvertently to the fact that the seven men and one woman are styled as saviors - a role that they can neither play nor will.

is moved so the center of the G8 anti-globalization debate, it is not surprising that also calls for the "democratization" of the global governance system is mainly to work through the G8 as an institution. But in this context is often required opening of the G8 for a handful of regional powers (especially the "O5") and photo opportunities with some African leaders to make this "members only" club neither democratic nor representative. Meeting of G8 Sherpas and the Chancellor with hand-selected representatives of civil society may enhance the political standing of the participating NGOs and convey to the public a picture of the readiness for dialogue and openness - distract them from the structural deficits of representativeness and transparency of the G8 suggested more than that they overcome them.

superfluous but to replace assets, the G8 with a new body in which the countries of the South are equally represented and have a vested civil society organizations say. For such a body must not be re-invented: The ECOSOC, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, it has existed for over 60 years. That this Council of its functions has not been filled, power-political reasons. For among its 54 members are the G8 countries in the minority (the reform of ECOSOC: A Neverending Story >>> W & D background in November 2007 ?). No wonder that in the past, no serious Institutions have undertaken to equip the Council with life and especially with political decision making. Only recently, governments in the UN General Assembly have decided to strengthen the ECOSOC. Civil society organizations could remind the governments at the next meeting of the Council of this decision. It takes place four weeks after the Heiligendamm summit in Geneva. To get involved there is laborious and neither spectacular nor media attention - but rekindle the long term may be "sustainable", as colorful flash in the pan around the fence at Heiligendamm.

Jens Martens is co-editor of W & E and managing director of Global Policy Forum Europe in Bonn.

Friday, June 1, 2007

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signal before G8: Federal government announces substantial increase in aid to

expected, the Federal Government has announced in advance of the G8 summit, a clear increase its development assistance. As (almost) all the newspapers report today, the evolution of help now to be increased each year until 2011 to € 750 million, so the promise of 2005 to meet the German ODA quota, currently at 0.36% is to increase to 0.51%. To finance the government wants to use part of the so-called innovative financial instruments, such as Chancellor Merkel brings into the discussion auctioning of CO2 emission rights. From the latter to be expected at 350 million €.

With that of Chancellor Angela Merkel over image and Development Minister Wieczorek-Zeul to the Süddeutsche Zeitung made announcement for the first time a long series of similar announcements general is elaborated numerically. Thus, it is the first substantial announcement since the summit in Gleneagles in 2005 after it had last looked as if the federal government far short of their promises. With the significant quantitative increase in development aid comes now, however, the required qualitative improvement and reform of the aid significantly in the foreground.

Praiseworthy is the German project, so little is certain or even probable, however, that the expected signal effect occurs and other G8 partners to be inspired in the Heiligendamm summit to similar announcements. Only could the theory of "broken promises of the G8" ( >>> W & D background June 2007) really punish this point lies. It is also clear that the new German ODA initiative is not relative to other criticisms of the German G8 policy, especially the content in nature: the lack of willingness to reform, which concerns the summit architecture itself, the overemphasis on the role of the private sector in Africa policy, the disproportionate concentration of innovation and investment protection policy to the interests of the North and the general characteristic style of the G8, to preach to others much to turn but little in his own front door. have a critical analysis of the German G8 policy from this perspective, Rainer Falk and Barbara recently written Unmüßig. It appeared to the G8 summit as W & D Extra (see illustration).