Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sapphire Engagement Rings Winnipeg

On the subject of school social work in schools Kaufbeurer

The Local newspaper reported in its issue dated 30.12.2010 of the meeting of the City Council Kaufbeuren 12.21.2010 on school social work. The article can be found on the web.

The report, however, is in need of completion in several respects:

When I was in January 2008 on the occasion of the former budget debates in the financial and Management Committee an evaluation of the extremely high cost of social and youth policies of the City of Kaufbeuren, and the school social work, had asked for costs and benefits, I was by Bernhard Pohl (CDU) and Dr. Wolfgang Smith (SPD) violently attacked. Pohl and Smith argued that there could be for school problems in adolescents, unemployment, violence or other criminal phenomena in general no other causes as "social deprivation", which had to resolve with the help of school social work and "street workers". My objection is that it probably always arrive on the person himself, the one in the other as his parents could not let off the hook, was answered with the usual platitudes and the charge of "social coldness".

The Government stated in a meeting of the Youth Services Committee in the summer of 2008, while the former activities of the school social work before. A real evaluation has so far not submitted. Meanwhile, the extent of municipal spending for school social work again expanded and created a new position at the vocational school Kaufbeuren.

E nde 2010 Bernhard Pohl finally moved the pages and made an application for coverage of the current measures for school social work in Kaufbeuren. Suddenly he came upon the idea of the effectiveness of these activities to an examination of what he had 2008 or brusquely rejected.

D he revealed details of Ms Serwoschuk in the City Council meeting on 12/21/2010 then limits the usefulness but also successes and problems of school social work:

F rough Serwoschuk works as a social worker at the Gustav-Leutelt School, England for the fifth to ninth grade. School social work is in Kaufbeuren only in some secondary schools, and recently also held at the Vocational School and at the Sophie-La-Roche-secondary school, but not at primary and special schools. To my wife Serwoschuk inquiries confirmed two important facts: Can

  1. D ie school social workers provide in many cases, psychological, and psychosomatic illness or developmental problems of young people contact, Counseling and educate and is therefore helpful for those affected and the respective school to be successful. The difficulty, however, usually is that the respective cases far, are sometimes too advanced, as school social work is offered only in the fifth class. The conclusion on this point is: If even school social work, then at least in elementary school. In the professional and junior high school to provide advice and offers of talks fall but at least not mostly.
  2. school social work can not impose disciplinary measures and is doing in dealing with real problem students, who by constant Interfere with the teaching, noticeable through improper behavior or even by acts of violence against fellow students very seriously. Since the focus is mainly on assistance and the provision of further specific measures jugendamt youth services, school social work can be credited with the group of young people, both inside and outside the school, most problems create little help.

The general conclusion is therefore for me:

The care of students with developmental disabilities, with problems at home, with learning or other disabilities or with mental or physical illness have to fight, can and will be accomplished by the school social work. I call this category of cases for simplicity "students with developmental or disease-related impairments. Whether the number of cases in recent years has increased significantly and whether the advice and support on the part of school social work improvements (such as the prevention of subsequent institutionalization) has been made, has not been proven. I am convinced that a timely exchange of students with developmental or disease-related impairment in a school for the interests of those affected would be the best. The second category I call the intentional cases, success in school debilitating behaviors that fall into either the responsibility of the student's self - particularly in advanced age - or the responsibility of the parents' house. Among them is deliberate refusal to understand learning, such as a lack of interest belonging, to learn the local language. School social work can also be little justice to these cases, as other social welfare support, as it usually is to intentionally normdeviantes behavior. To what extent school social work is really essential or is successful, therefore, unresolved.

My colleague Karl-Georg Bauer and I expressed during the discussion to yet another aspect of this issue:

From the statements of representatives of the SPD and the Greens, we rightly gained the impression as if there in all forms of state or local social work not only a panacea for all kinds of social problems saw, but the most complete separation of parental rights and duties really longs by extending public support of children and young people as possible limits. Our impression is that the undoubted losses have turned out like, 'any form of state education for purely ideological reasons to accelerate.

I am ch me so that my colleague, Mr Karl-Georg Bauernfeind clear words, and found our group's position clarified by pointing out that we prefer, if we needed the school social work and not the parents of their task would meet . The welfare state has not only exceeded the limits of its financial capacity long ago. He alone may therefore not be further extended, so as not to weaken the autonomy of the individual and the natural ability to their own efforts. The future can not be in it, there are still more workers, social workers and social workers with the money taxpayers to employ, as apparently envisaged by the SPD, Greens and the liberal voters. Where should such a development will ultimately end?

Dr. Thomas Jahn, 30/12/2010


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