According to the few facts available to me, and it would have based calculations, the 13th have Gore-night on a Saturday in January 1986 took place. The clothing and hairstyles of the guests give many details about the then prevailing fashion trends (Gothic & Psychobilly!), But unfortunately little of the season. That evening the band played one of its noise-free garage sets, while on the screen produced an educational video called dental healing ran, from which one could learn as I remember, as can be seen from the gums and teeth healthy, all replaced by implants. The program also were films of Kenneth Anger, Jodorowsky El Topo and an anniversary lottery in which there was to win a real pig's head.

Kai-Ulrich Metz wrote a month later in Hamburg scene: "The discomfort was the winner of the pig head against a price of a platter. But another girl immediately took a liking to this macabre fun: it has taken over the ongoing maintenance of the Gore-trophy. , Gets up to the final decay she has a special place on my balcony, "tells the lucky one." The fact that the pig in the photo a fag in his mouth, reminding me that the old Alabama Theater was above all a place of oral excess. Cigarettes, beer and cheap burgers there, I have breathed in such quantities that they placed in a row on the floor the way from Hamburg to Bruce Lee could have his grave.

first Gore-Night, January 1985 (?)
second Gore-Night, 16 February 1985: Painless Dirties & Roger Corman's Teenage Cavemen
third Gore-Night, 16 March 1985: Beauty Contest & Friedrich Wilhelm Munaus The last man
4th Gore-Night, 20 April 1985: Blue Kremlin & Free Garage & David Cronenberg's Scanners
5th Gore-Night, 25 May 1985: Cyan Revue & Mario Bava's In the frenzy of Satan
6th Gore-Night, 22 June 1985: Negro Intenso & Gerard Damiano Water Power
7th Gore-Night, July 1985
8th Gore-Night, August 1985
9th Gore-Night, September 1985
10th Gore-Night, October 1985
11th Gore-Night, November 1985
12th Gore-Night, December 1985: Heads Trash & Allan Holzman Mutant - The Horror in the 13th All
Gore-Night, January 1986: Free Garage & dental healing & Films of Kenneth Anger & Alejandro Jodorowsky El Topo
14th Gore-Night, February 1986: Castrated philosophers & films with WC Fields (there should be a recording from NDR - has anyone?)
More Band-film pairings that I can assign no date
& Castrated philosophers Jeff Lieberman Just Before Dawn
Captain Kirk and His Incredible Lovers & John Waters Multiple Maniacs
Other Bands: Twist Noir, Westmoreland Parking Lot, The Mind Blowers
More Movies: Roger Corman A bucket full of blood and Tobe Hooper's Texas Chainsaw Massacre

As Rainer Knepperges the UFA 13 in Cologne I would like to rebuild the Alabama Theater in Hamburg-Eidelstedt, Kieler Straße 622, from brittle. A first step would be old photos and a floor plan of 1991 demolished movie theater and the adjacent bar "Tex-Mex". Information about where I might find those things as well as fixtures, contemporary newspaper reports and other materials, I would love as much as on additions and memories of the Gore-Nights:
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The Gore-Nights continue - in Alabama :
Saturday 19 February 2011: RJ list & James Frawley Kid Blue
Saturday 19 March 2011: The Typhoons & Antonio Margheritis spaceship Alpha
Saturday 16 April 2011: High Quality Girls & Sam Raimi's Evil Dead
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