I think I know why this is so. The suffering is gone. Trans determined no longer my life. Meanwhile, I am an ordinary, commercially available woman, as you meet them at every turn. Or at almost every corner.
Now I know almost no more, what shall I write, for we must not forget: Trans is not my hobby! Trans is a development stage, much like puberty. Exciting, new, forward looking and often very painful and emotional, but at some point you're through with it.
Now I can devote myself back to my hobbies and trans certainly is not one of them. I would not be reduced to this one topic. Motorcycle Tours, Enduro hiking, camping, computers, blogging, web design, fashion, cooking, and a thousand beautiful things, all these are my hobbies. But trans? Definitely not.
And as I was at some point in my adolescence, chasing girls, motorcycles, and the next adventure, I am also trans basically through. But sometimes it still concerns me because a couple of places where not everything goes perfectly smooth, there will be always. If I am amused that surprised, or annoyed, I blog about it.
Many people write to me. Some put themselves in the trans puberty, some mail me a few quick words of appreciation and hope that other advice or encouragement. I am delighted by the many e-mails, but rather is it me, if I get them as comments on the blog, find the answer I have been particularly enjoy. Therefore, please do not be disappointed if I personal e-mails often with just a few short sentences to answer and, above all never respond to questions abdomen.
to fashion and passing but I will give you tips, though her his own fault if you trust me. I like it even now striking flashy and just a touch too short. And did you know that I never wear pants? I do not like the beasts. And that someone would trust it in fashion? Holy moly ...
No, you will need to discover your own style and on the way you have lots of fun and hopefully you make a couple of absolute Fashion Disasters . You have to make in any case only a few times right to spoon before you finally found its own look. Believe me, I know all about it and the rest can Claudia tell you.
Who seriously wants to do something for his passing should be read by my Passing Series exactly. It can help you as quickly as possible to get rid of Charley's Aunt look.
Do not be disappointed if in the future, fewer contributions to the trans-turn on, or if I write less frequently. Ultimately, every posting here has nothing to do with trans, because after I write the articles and yes I earlier himself was once trans. :-)
Conclusion: I have changed me and my blog Svenja-and-the-City has changed. Today I'm just still Svenja, the woman with the crazy motorcycle hobby, loves to tinker with their Enduro page to attract like funky, passionate is Single , spends too much money on clothes and in between the fattest Eating the world is boiling. A better life I can not even imagine.
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