second Most people live only one life, but I live two and that happiness is almost indescribable. All that I ever experienced, suffered, done, seen and experienced, have now happening once again. There are, so to speak a second first time
Even the mundane things appear in a new light: the first doctor visit as Sven, the first choice , the first shopping, haircut, get my bike for inspection ("I now hot Svenja .) service course, my neighbors, colleagues, cinema, disco and a thousand other things more. Maybe I am so so incredibly young and full of vitality. And best of all, it's not even half.
Even the mundane things appear in a new light: the first doctor visit as Sven, the first choice , the first shopping, haircut, get my bike for inspection ("I now hot Svenja .) service course, my neighbors, colleagues, cinema, disco and a thousand other things more. Maybe I am so so incredibly young and full of vitality. And best of all, it's not even half.
third No more secrets. For years I've bought nice things I had then hidden in the garage, or in the spare wheel of my car. It's finally over. No more secrets and no more fear of discovery.
4th And then there's the matter with the Breast . Has anyone of you ever grow a brand new body part? (Double chin is not golden.) I did habs. In less than two years, I grew a great bust. Even today, I will from time to awake in the morning and think: Hey guys, where you come from? That will always remain for me an absolute miracle.
5. Watching movies. When I go to dance today, it is I do not care if someone is already on the dance floor, or if I'm the only Dancing Queen in a room full of non-dancers. (And finally I see the dance floor not look like a frog in a blender)
6th Finally, I am a part of the colorful world of fashion Vero Moda, Buffalo, New York, H & M, Deichmann and GĂ–RTZ17. Toes are much funnier than torque wrenches. fashion is fun.
7th With my friends, today I am speaking more about people, feelings and relationships than about cars, motors and computers. This is not so much in my change, but rather on a whole new circle of friends. Although I still like to spend hours talking about motorcycles . :-)
8th Never again do I need to be afraid of appearing unmanly and make me look ridiculous. Boys eighth pretty excited about this stuff. Quite frankly, I can stand to weaknesses and fears without me to forgive somewhat. And the amazing thing is that I'm even stronger today than before. Whether that is the power of two hearts?
9th Finally I have managed on their own, a small typo back to nature to fix it. From was Sven Sven and I have my hard work. In my heart I never though someone else have been.
10th My life finally feels RIGHT.
Conclusion: My new life is really great, but a few things on being a woman I go on your nerves. Which they are, I report about it some other time.
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