"And where exactly is written again?" I give back just as bitchy and I snapped on the spot.
"And I never put all my money in shoes. Or do you think that I get paid my full skirts, dresses and tights? And the perfume, the makeup and the jewelry? It is not totally fair to be a woman. Less than half of my money I invest in good shoes. If anything ... "
. "Good shoes that I did not laugh," muffelt Claudia to herself, and from the corner of my eye I see how they turned again his eyes, although she knows exactly how I hate that, "If only I the pink Korkpantoletten think you wanted to have unconditionally and then you only wear it once, because you're almost the bones would have broken. Who said good shoes ... "
"So what? Does not matter. But they were totally nice. In addition, I can probably run barefoot bad, right? "
"So what? Does not matter. But they were totally nice. In addition, I can probably run barefoot bad, right? "
" barefoot? Not even a centipede might all your heels and boots, ballet flats and ankle boots, wedges, clogs and toes apply. Not even if it is a hundred. "
" Now do not overdo times. "I Wiegele gently. "Did you know for example that I only have six pairs of ballerinas?"
"Six pairs? That's a lie. Alone under the windows in your room are not less than 12 pair. "When Claudia is slowly the gasping.
"Now let me finish at this, but I thought, six pairs of black suede. Otherwise I'm more of course. And also have In front of you namely Mitbgegründerin the StudiVZ Group: I have to defend a reputation, "I add in a low voice and propose modest down her eyes". I ballerinas wear in winter "
Claudia is impressed, at least she says nothing and just looks at me in awe of the page. We stöckeln on through the Kiel CITTI Park. Next stop Deichmann. I absolutely must try this brown wedge boots from advertising. Brown wedge boots, I have that is still no. In any case, it is not.
arrived at Deichmann , I sit on the large Ankleidebank and try the wonderful Over Knees with wedge heels on. But what is it? I get to the zipper, because my instep is too high. Crap. Then I must have for a while with the three pairs of live brown wedge boots, which I already have. But nice is not.
To distract me something, I ask Claudia politely: "Can you give me your that and bring in 41? And the toes in two colors, please. "And show the finger at different models.
"Why me? What is with your feet? "Asks Claudia me blankly.
"Now listen, I can probably run poorly on pantyhose through the store, or? What is it, when I come here on a chewing gum? Or on a thumbtack? That is your fault. "
" Yes, yes, that's all right, Tinky Winky. Yes it can really none of you require that you ever just puts players back into your heels. That is much too burdensome. Just stay where I'll do it. "Claudia replied, shaking his head and disappears behind the shelf next to after a while to emerge fully loaded with shoeboxes again. I tell her not to say that but that has lasted very long time. But does it. is
At Deichmann today for me nothing of it, also I have the most anyway and I miss Buffalo's money today. "I do need more tights." I proclaim so loudly that an elderly couple looking back at me in irritation. "I need opacity of every color, especially in light gray, gray, medium gray, dark gray and charcoal. Grau is namely the new black. "I add clever shit outline, draw it, the eyebrows, as I always do when I have to announce a fundamental truth. Just as then, when suddenly brown the new black and I knew this was a very first.
But like clockwork is the nagging naturally get rid of "tights? Your wardrobe is still full of it and at least a dozen you have not even unpacked. "
" So what? You know that I never wear pants and therefore I need nunmal to any outfit which absolutely right tights, otherwise the whole look good for nothing. I also need each in glossy and matte, a smooth and woolly, and most like two pieces of each. "
" But first I have to change all for my shoes, gray suede pumps get me namely straight. But before you begin to grumble again, no, they are not new. I have already bought last week. "
Luckily I have extra a couple of spare shoes in the bag. The gray boots I have in endless party nights very comfortable stamped and also the provisions of paragraphs only 5cm high. Finally comfortable .
running shoes " lady? The term would be 'I am not on that occasion, as you here in your Mini dress is sitting on the couch and pull off your big I-change-the shoes show. And finally you from ordinary, every Else to flirt who happens to come near you. They're always irritated. "
" Well, you're right. I'm really not a lady, for that I am still too young. After all, I'm only twenty-four ... "
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