Saturday, November 27, 2010

Leather Waxing In Crock Pot

Where do your pictures?

Svenja-and-the-City auf Fotosafarin in Kiel "Claudia?" trumpet I happily into the phone. "Can you be with me in ten minutes? We need to take pictures. I have a thousand new ideas for the blog."

silence at the other end of the line.

Claudia Are? Are you? "

" Say, Tinky Winky, you know how it really is late? "

None idea. dc lunch I guess. I've just made an XXL-Schnitzel from ALDI. "

" It's ten past eight You know what call early Saturday after eight in ten, because you want to take pictures? "

" Of course not. You should still take the pictures. I have a degree of master as a photographer, or you? "I give slightly bitchy. " I lie still in bed and sleep. "

" So what? Then you just stand on. Or will you spend your life in bed? I stand here in the mantle and have everything planned in detail. Today we must make school photos. One front and one in front of the main Gymi. And I need a picture where I stand in front of a pharmacy. And when we're done, we go to ALDI. You have to do with a photo of me Shopping cart before ALDI.

And then we go to me and rely on the studio flash equipment. I need lots of photos. I go running out of pictures for new postings. How soon can you be about this? "

silence on the line.

" Claudia? Are you back to sleep? CLAUDIA!

"Hmmm, what ...? Oh, sorry. Yes, well, Tinky Winky, I just put this on and then come over to you. "" Yes, hurry up, ok, but try your hand a bit, yes? "Fortunately, they can not see me here with your eyes role.

My goodness, are sleepy your friends too? Now, I am a patient guy, but Claudia creates me again and again. It has total real lucky that it just made me to her friend

Conclusion. The photos for my blog created in very different ways. Some images are snapshots that I make the move with the self-timer of the small Lumix and other photos I'm talking to passersby, "Excuse me, can you please even take a picture of me as I stand here so and so cute it looked and now? away again from a distance. And again and again without using the flash and ... " Amazing how some people patiently are.

But many shots for the blog is my best friend Claudia, who actually has a master's certificate as a photographer (and myself regularly with her patience and her perfectionism drives white-hot).

Asked To Show My Boobs

Fuck the Digital World! The existential

Nothing I read currently rather than Dominik Graf's slightly varied and always precise diatribes against the bulk of the German television and the contemporary taste for clean, clear and digital. As in the collection Sleeps a song in all things these well-formulated hate speech in the interview tape In the face of the crime. TV working on the example of a series embedded in a declaration of love to another, dirty, vibrant, imperfect nature of cinema. The ill-tempered sense that everything was better, turns in reading from Graf's precise comments on all aspects of filmmaking in a certainty and the hope that there will always be artists who work off at the Untimely.

such as James Gray, a director will often be the "classic" style of directing made the allegation. The Yards, We Own the Night and Two Lovers I discovered recently, three of the best, most intense, the wildest played, exciting and most intelligent films ever made. No idea whether Graf in the design of his Russian gangster and the design of the great party scene in A View to a crime Gray inspiration. Both directors are united by their love for the genre, for the design of the moment, to their actors, for not all lit, the Dionysian excess, the analogs. And both can be very nice to talk about their work. The passages below are from In the face of the crime. TV working on the example of a series (Dominik Graf and John Sievert, Alexander Publisher ) and Subverting the Moment: James Gray on We Own the Night (Andrew Tracy, Cinemascope 32)


"Against 'realism' as a form available in the modern film a tremendous amount of artificiality, artificial indoor environments, subjective perception, computer animation - all these elements have in modern day cinema against cooper beautiful concept of that little reality 'that we all need a conspiracy. First, one must again correct the footage in office use. The film producers and film laboratories have taken on 16-mm positive farewell, before all of the positive development of the 16-mm films. 16 mm is positive but the resolute, the 'realistic' material of all. Super 8 is indeed gone (and for this unverzeihliche Entscheidung müßten eigentlich nachträglich noch Köpfe rollen).“ (Dominik Graf)

„I was deliberately aiming to capture this look, because I like it: what I call the sodium vapour, this orange streetlight glow that produces these rich tones, the almost classical beauty of it. The two films [ The Yards und We Own the Night ] do look very similar, in fact they’d look even more similar if certain film stocks hadn’t been eliminated from usage. The Yards was shot on a great film stock called 5277, which no longer exists, so that’s probably the reason the new film doesn’t look even more like the last one.“ (James Gray)


know "you, my problem with this forced circulation is this: When you make films, a highly complex process, as we know everyone has the emergence of a new technology - whether image or sound (and this very vulnerable , faulty new technology may well make some people happy, completely ok) - access to the old technologies still remain reliably protected. Digital sound is now even worse than Analaogton. Records are better than CDs. So it is with the scene, of old movie-positive copy to the DVD, whether or not Blue Ray. It is colorfast, durable, it is not matter, Pixel. Das weiß ja auch jeder.“ (Dominik Graf)

„This whole discussion about film or DV is kind of moot, in a way, because the system will determine it for you – like I said, the stock that The Yards was shot on no longer exists. But it is strange the way things are appraised, because if you said, ,This new format came along and it’s got a better contrast ratio than digital and it’s got better resolution than digital,‘ – well, that’s film. If everybody were shooting digital and film came along, everybody would want to shoot film. So my own view is why shoot with something that’s not as good? I’ll do it when I have to, but until then why bother?“ (James Gray)


"I imagine that what I think about actors [...] are always externalities, such as gestures snap my fingers out of nervousness, mimic game, irritation stage, about to long ash on the cigarette have, where can the go?, chew gum. [...] I give him a purely superficial details with which he can express what you through long, how the role now anfühlt'-talk between the director and actors can not manage otherwise. "(Dominik Graf)

" What I love in acting is when you are constantly Subverting the moment. The key is playing the moment with utmost sincerity but Subverting it, and they're not contrary. Playing the moment means making it clear, not losing ambiguity, but making it so it's not vague - and at the same time conveying that clarity by a line, or a gesture, or to expression that is seemingly antithetical to the idea or the feeling that to stage is being expressed "(James Gray)


" Action of X-Large clothing size as the showdown of winner -. the cat was so strictly speaking, a single two-hour showdown - for me something of cinematic, land art '. The motif is found during planning and covered during the filming of physical and strategic forces, we shall speak, a blood cloth over the landscape. A big action scene, you realize for days or weeks away, sometimes simultaneously with three units, designed for a director an immense pull. It is the most intensive for a spin. Some are silly 'thanks, it makes Peng, they say, off,' at the Actiondreherei, they say twenty times, and possibly Please!, Again, please ' Like robots in the nursery or stupid computer games. But in her heart a great action scene is always a pure physical force, it is about power, pain, death. And the scene is at the end of a bloody Arena.“ (Dominik Graf)

„I found it quite unpleasant. They’re [Actionsequenzen] very boring to shoot because you have to shoot them one thread at a time. So you plan them meticulously, everything has to be planned out. And you have to keep your eye on the prize, no imagination – in fact imagination is actually a problem. You have to understand how these things are done: you say ,OK, shoot the gun when I say action and flip backwards – OK, action! Shit, that didn’t look real, let’s do another take.‘ So they’re very boring.“ (James Gray)


Tuesday 7 December, 20.15 clock on Arte: The cat (directed by Dominik Graf)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sensor On Lg Chocolate Touch

press campaign AZ editorial against my person - reply

The local section of the Allgäuer Zeitung limited of late no longer limited to reporting, but operates - expressed cautious - political opinion. Unfortunately, my views in the reaction of this newspaper encounter unified resistance, which is why for some time now conducted a campaign against my person, against which I am now as follows to defend like:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

for over 15 years I ask a lot of my free time voluntarily and without payment of a substantial number of clubs and my party are available . For over eight years, I make my contribution as a Councillor of the City of Kaufbeuren, cherished by countless citizens of this city were, as the result of my re-election in 2008 proves. I have never seen such a long time that a newspaper that in Kaufbeuren and in the Allgäu has a monopoly, a press campaign against a voluntary person staged and thereby produces no apparent reason a direct link between policy statements and professional position. Apparently, they are concerned to meet me in my professional existence. I would therefore ask you to be at least as fair and reflect my personal opinion on the comments from Mr Bear from 25.11.2010, like in the form of a letter to the editor, in full:

the figures in the report and the comments of Mr. Baer of 25/11/2010 is wrong in several respects: Mr. Baer gives the impression that I would have been general in the City Council meeting of 11.23.2010 on "Climate Change" expressed. The truth is, however, that I have relied on the speakers of the group of Alliance 90/The Greens that we start from Kaufbeuren, can not contribute to the salvation of the world's climate, because Kaufbeuren with around 40,000 inhabitants in the face of a world population not of some 6.9 billion people any consequence. When the group of Alliance 90/The Greens fact referred to is at risk without the adoption of a "climate change" approach for the city of Kaufbeuren and the "family destination Kaufbeuren," I have expressed as well as other members of my group my lack of understanding because of this connection and to noted that we already own for lack of Industries with CO 2-related emissions in Kaufbeuren not cause climate change. Literally, I added: "We are not yet in the Ruhr area in Bitterfeld, the time of the former GDR." Mr. Bear me also raises before heckling, but leaves unmentioned is that my own speech by heckling from the fractions of the SPD and Alliance 90/The Greens was disrupted and that in this emotional debate, other colleagues have responded with interjections . Mr. Baer also claims that had been given me a Ordnungsruf: This claim is false, especially as the Rules of Procedure of the City Council pursuant to § 35 paragraph 1, sentence 2 heckling expressly permitted. Finally, Mr. Baer said in his comment, I would have compared the Bavarian Radio with the New Germany or similar publications. This claim is false. My criticism of the methods of a BR-show "Südwild" of September 2010 was of key members of the Broadcasting Council, as the Bavarian interior minister and the head of the Bavarian State Chancellery in personal letters, moreover, specifically shared.


Dr. Thomas Jahn

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mercury Grand Marquis Fuse Panel

10 things that are really great on my new life

Svenja im kleinen schwarzen Abendkleid first Finally this stupid suffering is gone. That was really terrible and has plagued me since my childhood nearly every waking minute. To understand this, one must of course be affected, but everyone else I can say: to be born in the wrong body, is not for wimps.

second Most people live only one life, but I live two and that happiness is almost indescribable. All that I ever experienced, suffered, done, seen and experienced, have now happening once again. There are, so to speak a second first time

Even the mundane things appear in a new light: the first doctor visit as Sven, the first choice , the first shopping, haircut, get my bike for inspection ("I now hot Svenja .) service course, my neighbors, colleagues, cinema, disco and a thousand other things more. Maybe I am so so incredibly young and full of vitality. And best of all, it's not even half.

third No more secrets. For years I've bought nice things I had then hidden in the garage, or in the spare wheel of my car. It's finally over. No more secrets and no more fear of discovery.

4th And then there's the matter with the Breast . Has anyone of you ever grow a brand new body part? (Double chin is not golden.) I did habs. In less than two years, I grew a great bust. Even today, I will from time to awake in the morning and think: Hey guys, where you come from? That will always remain for me an absolute miracle.

5. Watching movies. When I go to dance today, it is I do not care if someone is already on the dance floor, or if I'm the only Dancing Queen in a room full of non-dancers. (And finally I see the dance floor not look like a frog in a blender)

6th Finally, I am a part of the colorful world of fashion Vero Moda, Buffalo, New York, H & M, Deichmann and GÖRTZ17. Toes are much funnier than torque wrenches. fashion is fun.

7th With my friends, today I am speaking more about people, feelings and relationships than about cars, motors and computers. This is not so much in my change, but rather on a whole new circle of friends. Although I still like to spend hours talking about motorcycles . :-)

8th Never again do I need to be afraid of appearing unmanly and make me look ridiculous. Boys eighth pretty excited about this stuff. Quite frankly, I can stand to weaknesses and fears without me to forgive somewhat. And the amazing thing is that I'm even stronger today than before. Whether that is the power of two hearts?

9th Finally I have managed on their own, a small typo back to nature to fix it. From was Sven Sven and I have my hard work. In my heart I never though someone else have been.

10th My life finally feels RIGHT.

Conclusion: My new life is really great, but a few things on being a woman I go on your nerves. Which they are, I report about it some other time.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Brazilian Keratin Treatment As Texturizer

The sports issues

Svenja beim Fußball
I do something. Since I was in the hospital , my stomach looks totally ugly and bulky. A thick scar runs from the navel to the basement. She cuts a deep breath and squeezed it right and left out two differently shaped fat deposits. It looks totally disgusting.

'm in my first few years I went to the gym. At that time was still the Body Building and the success was simply measured with a tape measure.

I have no idea what equipment today in the studios are responsible for their bellies, but I know that the abdominal muscles can be brought relatively easily and quickly back into shape.

must be like a gym where I feel very comfortable and like to go for training? There must be no martial arts studio his support for gold chains. That indeed would be a great post, but I'm not a female Rex Kramer. ideal would be one of those modern fitness studio for women, but that does not exist.

A friend of mine works there and was able to report that she was instructed not to include transgender people. The rationale for this is easy and intuitive. A significant proportion of guests are Muslim, the support received from their husbands not allowed to train in a mixed studio. It would be quite annoying if it were known that someone like I trained there. I understand that, but it does not solve my stomach problems.

I could just go into an x-any gym on the corner, but the sports issue is also linked closely with the shower and sauna problem. Communal showers are thus unsuitable.

Either I shower at home, or do I need a shower. It is 25 years since I was recently in a gym. Now there are also individual showers? Or get some really sweaty in the car and shower at home first?

Does anyone have any good idea how I can solve the problem of sports? Or someone even knows a gym in Kiel, he can recommend? Where there are good coaches, a loose Audience and in which I can somehow avoid the shower problem elegant?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ivy Tech Store Laptop

Even after five years to ER?

Svenja im Dienst We sit together in the meeting room. The documents are on the table and waiting for the arrival of the last station. The mood among colleagues is gay, after all we have known for many years. It is still the same round in which I outed myself five years ago have.

We joke about it, whether anyone is tired before the meeting and I tell my secret recipe for pretentious to go to bed that is just in time. :-)

And then happens it. A colleague jokingly ulkt in the round: "Well, it's no wonder that it is in sleep always prepared when he goes to sleep so early." Hits Transe sunk. He does not realize that he was mistaken in my personal pronoun and thus unconsciously dealt a low blow has.

Suddenly I feel ashamed and me in my Hüschen dress in which I was still so great this morning, all at once like a transvestite. Other colleagues to improve by a loud: "YOU!" And I put on a lame reply: "It is YOU. Well, just next to it. "But I realize that he did not listen properly.

Dozens of times I have seen this in recent years and gradually I should be accustomed to it, but I can not do. My first reaction is anger, but about what? About the truth? For a brief moment, I can throw an invaluable look behind the friendly faces behind tolerance, civility, and behind all political correctness. The colleague did not want to offend me, this I know him too well. He has only in the exuberance of good spirits accidentally pronounced than what he perceives me, that as a man

For me this is a valuable reminder that I finished my development is far am. Something is obviously still disturbs the impression of femininity. What could this be? The beard shadow? No. The last beard was weggelasert years ago, there's nothing more. Hair, hair, a wig? No. I have own full, long, black hair, and could make any hair with it. To male appearance, perhaps? I do not think so. The female hormones have changed my appearance and if the breasts do not soon stop growing, then the new B-Cups at some point too small. Bad styling? I hope not. I style myself and make up for five years consistently every morning and never appear unkempt to the service and I never wear men's stuff.

But it could be due to my voice . I train for years to get my voice to sound softer and less masculine, but when I speak, I still hear clearly a man and a woman.

However, there is a surgical technique in which a surgeon recruited by the vocal cords, just as a piano tuner would do that. Until now I was not interested because I am satisfied with my voice and because the outcome is hard to predict. It can be anywhere in the full range between Vanessa Paradis and Inge Meysel. Nevertheless, I have

fear. It would be a cruel irony when I look in a complex operation, the voice let it ruin and has keen not letztich.

Schande für die Polizei And if there is something else entirely? If it is not on externals? Regarding my standings in the National Police, I have no illusions. I know I'm behind my back already been designated as a "disgrace to the police."

So what? Each time puts a hit. The cure is out for the weekend and will be available on Monday morning in good spirits and knees sprung back to the service. I am strong enough and not let it get me. The police are not meant to eventually and I'm not Wendy. I would never, for whatever psychological, whiny reasons ill . Report

As long as it does not spit, bleed, or festers , I heeled every morning for duty. Well rested, perfectly styled and is the best SvenjaLaune. Transsexual out or not: I'm still police officer and I love this job and I will do it every damn day as good as I can only.

Caution: Under no circumstances will I give the impression that I in any way bullied will, because I do not feel that. Still, I'm annoyed, of course, when I know that behind my back derogatory remarks are made against which I can not to defend, or if I even After five years ago called "ER" will And finally, here is my All Time Favourite. "No matter how blabber all about you, but you have the fewest days of illness."

opinions, ideas, suggestions?

Baixarikusa Otome Suivia


On 4 and 5 December 2010 a guest of the American film collector Dennis Nyback in Hamburg, two of his wonderful 16mm programs present. On the evening of 4 he is in Metropolis under a "Hobo Special" newsreels, show archives, cartoons and short films, which show that the hobo life is about more than a U.S. version of the Black driving. On the afternoon of 5 he presents in B-Movie under Bizarre Cinema series, the program "Subversive animation, cartoons the 30s and 40s, which were then censored due to its very open approach to sex and drugs and prohibited (more info about the series can be found below). The Wayward Cloud spoke with Dennis Nyback of Hobos, movie collection, and what both have to do with each other.

The Wayward Cloud: Why should the legacy of freight hopping be remembered?

Nyback Dennis: It was an event that took place in time and place and if people want to understand that place and time, America before the Interstate Highway System, it helps to look at many parts of it. Freight train riding was a part of the subversive aspects of that time. So many of the freight riders, say prior to 1940, were probably resisting progress. They didn't want to join the Twentieth Century. Right now there is a movement in America to turn back the clock to what they see as simpler times. Much of that manifests itself as Anti-Intellectualism . Understanding freight train riding helps you understand America.

Have you been hopping trains yourself?

My main freight train hopping trip was when I was a 22 year old college student at the University of Washington in Seattle during the Spring and Summer of of 1976. Prior to that I had taken some short trips on freight trains. Since then I have traveled on standard rail trains, mostly in Europe, or in the United States on the West Coast and East Coast. I chose to ride freights for reasons I probably didn’t realize at the time. My father was in the merchant marine and away from home during much of my childhood. I spent summers on our family farm with my grandmother and my dad’s brother. The brother, my uncle Reino, told me stories about his riding freight trains in the 1930s. Reino died when I was in high school. I think I rode freight trains as a way to understand and connect with my father and my uncle. I was also generally disillusioned with the Seventies and had immersed myself in the culture of the 1930s. When I started on the trip in 1976 I wore an outfit made up from clothes I found in the attic of our farm. It was also the Bi-centennial year for the United States and I thought seeing the USA from a freight train door would be the proper thing to do.

Dennis Nyback: „This is a beautiful shot.
I just sat like that myself on a few trains.“

What does being a hobo mean to you?

Being a hobo means traveling without a destination and not having a regular job. It is sort of opting out of most respectable ways of living. Riding freights differs from other ways of traveling in that you don’t have complete control of where you are going. It is traveling for the sake of traveling, instead of traveling for the sake of going someplace. A hobo generally will have a destination, but the train he gets on can take him someplace else. It is sort of a existentialism way of traveling.

Any idea why there are no hobos in Europe, only in America?

I’d guess there are at least two reasons I can think of. America is a vast place with no border control between States. I took freights that traveled through several States before reaching their terminus. Europe has too many borders to cross. Things being closer together also changes things. A person with no money could conceivably walk or ride a bicycle through much of Europe. In America between the West Coast and the industrial East is thousands of kilometers of space, including mountains and deserts. The other reason might be more important, and is matter of attitude. Even into the Twentieth Century America had a frontier that daring people could freely move about in with almost no control over them. Americans, whether it is true or not, still believe in that sort of frontiersman idea of personal freedom.

Do you see any connections between film collecting and hoboism?

I started buying films, before Video, because I wanted to look at history. I suppose I rode freights the same reason. Modern life is very fast. You can’t see much when you’re in a hurry. Freight train riding was a way to slow down and look at things. I was trying to see things in America I knew would be destroyed in my lifetime.

When did you start to collect films?

I started buying films in the late Seventies. At the beginning it was mainly short films in 16mm. Even after Video those films were generally not available in any other form. I now have films in every gauge except 28mm and 70mm. I recently got a collection of 17.5mm feature films . They are all sound films from Europe from the 1930s. Now I need to find a 17.5mm sound projector to watch them.

The last 15 years, in which you were regularly travelling through Europe with your 16mm-films, saw the rise of digital cinema. Did this development in any way change the way you think about your work and the necessity for showing celluloid?

I have witnessed the decline of 16mm as a viable form. I still prefer to show films on 16mm. Part of that is just for aesthetic reasons. I also have read that the human brain processes film and digital in different ways. Film is a photograph. Digital is scrambled and put back together. I think it is good for your brain to watch a 16mm film everyone once in while hundreds of hours of dog between various digital viewing.


"Hobo Special" in be a small festival of logistical disobedience, in which not only black drivers have their joy - Metropolis cinema .

04.12.2010, 21.15 Clock: "Hobo, You Can not Ride That Train"
Dennis Nyback presents short films and archive footage, showing the world of hobos, tramps of the American railroad. On display next to a brief history on the American freight trains and newsreels from the Depression era of the cartoon The Hobo Gadget Band (1939), a source of inspiration for O Brother, Where Art Thou by the Coen brothers, a short comedy from 1920 and the two Soundies The Lonesome Road (1943 ) with Al Donahue and his Orchestra and Boxcar Rhapsody (1942) with Borrah Minevitch & His Harmonica Rascals. In Hobo, At the End of the Line (1977) look like famous Train Hopper Fry Pan Jack Fisk, Bodie Wagner and trade unionists, folk singer and poet Utah Phillips back on the history of the Hobos. Rounding is Dennis Nyback the program with their own memories on trains, on which he has jumped, of which he was thrown down.

A train of the North Pole (OT: Emperor of the North )
USA 1973, directed by Robert Aldrich, 116 minutes, with Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, Keith Carradine
After artwork by Jack London Hobo-classics The Road (dt: A benteurer of the rail track), Robert Aldrich the eternal struggle of the Tramps against the railway employees as a mythological excessive, brute-duel between men. Lee Marvin as A is no. 1 the dominant king of all tricks Depression-Hobos, while Ernest Borgnine it as a murderous Bremser Shack has made a life's work to let anyone jump on his train No. 19. A thrilling fight to the death begins when A No. One decides to take the No. 19 to Portland - on the one hand Trickstertum and wit, violence on the other wrenches, sledge hammers and naked. ..
4:12, 19 Clock / 5.12, 19 clock

This land is my land (OT: Bound for Glory )
USA 1976, directed by Hal Ashby, 147 minutes, with David Carradine, Melinda Dillon
Based on the autobiography of Woody Guthrie describes Hal Ashby's film four years in the life of the famous folk singer and Hobos. It tells of the four years as the Depression was at its height and Guthrie traveled by train from camp to camp to live with the migrant workers who live there and Okies and sing. Ashby was also a precise and scathing portrait of a torn country, and thanks to the spectacular Cinemascope images of cinematographer Haskell Wexler, a tribute to the wide open spaces and rooms of America. Also on the first Steadicam sequence in film history.
3.12., 19.15 Clock / 5.12., 21.15 clock

************************************ *****

Cinema Bizarre in November and December in B-Movie :

21. November, 15.30 Clock: The killer of Vienna
Italy / Spain 1970, directed by Sergio Martino, 98 min, 35mm, DF, with George Hilton, Edwige Fenech
The neglected in her marriage, feeling Julie an affair begins with the Beau George. Shortly after, she is blackmailed, and her friend Carol is killed by a masked man with a razor. Is Julie's sadistic ex-lover of Jean Strangler of Vienna? Sergio Martino's first Giallo is one of the best that the genre has to offer. An erotic thriller that captivated throughout!
text and introductions: Mike Schimana

28th November, 15.30 Clock: Hell's Angels on Wheels
USA 1967, Director: Richard Rush, 95 min, 35mm, with Jack Nicholson, Sabrina Scharf
One of the better biker movies from the 60s. Jack Nicholson is to see it as a gas station attendant with the beautiful name of a poet who joins the Hell's Angels on a trip across the States. Trouble is it, when a poet to the Head Girl by Angel Adam Roarke ranmacht. Directed by cult director Richard Rush ( Psych-Out ), the camera moved none other than Laszlo Kovacs, who later drew responsible for Easy Rider, but also for so'n nonsense like Miss Congeniality .
Text and Introduction: Michael Ranze

Mickey's Whoopee Party

Sunday, 12.05, 15.30 clock. "Subversive Animation
Dennis Nyback performs a program curious and amusing animated films that did require history, but have now largely forgotten. The 16mm has salvaged treasures that Nyback from its archive, including censored, banned and still disturbing cartoons as Dizzy Red Riding Hood (1931) by Max and Dave Fleischer, in the Betty Boop ranlässt sharp as the wolf, Little Red Riding Hood , The Screwdriver (1941) with Woody Woodpecker as an anarchist ("F * ck the Po'leece!") and Mickey's Whoopee Party (1932) over a sprawling banquet, which participate in the end even the cops. Also included inebriated Dwarfs, psychotropic milkmen, a rebellious Snow White and a trip through the polymorphous-perverse world under a manhole cover.

Sunday, 12.12, 15.30 clock. Gorgo
GB 1961, 78 min, directed by Eugène Lourié, Bill Travers, William Sylvester, Vincent Winter
Gorgon is a 20-foot-tall dinosaur that appears unexpectedly in the sea, is captured and looks forward to an unpleasant future as a circus attraction in London. But it turns out: It's just a baby - and his angry Mom is already very close. The army is in position, but what good is already against an actor in a rubber suit, through the London Toy and tramples it emits eerie screams?
Text and Introduction: Hans-Arthur Marsiske

Sunday, 19.12, 15.30 clock. Rolling Thunder
USA 1977, 95 min, 35mm, DF, directed by John Flynn, William Devane, Tommy Lee Jones
One year after Taxi Driver Paul Schrader wrote the book on this forgotten gem of the Vietnam returnee-on-revenge genre, one of Tarantino's favorite films. William Devane, the man with the disturbing car salesman grin from Marathon Man and Family grave , shines as an ex-major with steel claws, which searches for the killers of his family. At his side: the almost wrinkle-free Tommy Lee Jones.
text and introduction by Volker Hummel

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mastrabating With A Condem

women understand now

Svenja kauft Wäsche "The Else is waiting but just waiting to present themselves in their new sexy lingerie. With nothing on except a little black lace and a charming smile. Who said they bought only for himself but I'm not stupid. I know how to run something. "

So or so I thought in my first life. I have never believed it when a woman told me that was the nice clothes, or perfume for her own well-being. That's a lame excuse, because they do not like to admit that she wants to make it big.

But now, five years later, when I stand? At H & M in front of the wash bay and looking pensively out a new bra. "Why? The old has gone broke, or he jumps to no more? "Is the typical young question. But what can you expect from other people that can buy the most of their life underwear for women .

I also have the right to complain and make fun of me a bit. Because I know both sides? No, but because I was just in my first life. I have my underwear also purchased themselves.

:-) But now I buy this new bra, because I find it beautiful and because I find it beautiful. And I'm watching for sure that I get to see no one there, except myself in the bathroom mirror in the morning. Some things are just understood only when one has personally experienced it.

But I wonder how it is with other women? They feel like? And what about the guys, or with their husbands? Can be your underwear today still buy from her partner?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Antique Crystal Punch Bowls

transsexualism and loneliness

"For a single is the world's great gourmet buffet." Samantha said in Sex and the City.

Well, I live as a single, and I loved to do. I am free and independent, have no relationship stress, no annoying discussions at midnight, can sit without being asked ten hours my iMac, motorcycling, as much as I like and do a thousand other beautiful things that can make life as comfortable as a single.

Nevertheless, there are days when I stand before this remarkable A delicious buffet of life and feel like the only vegetarian breakfast sausages with a Palatine Schlachteplatte. For me, just nothing to it.

establish a new family and have children? No, I'll get back a second time. If I get pregnant, then in three hours two CNN broadcast van outside my front door and if I have a child, there is still enough for a place on the front page of FIG.

suspect anyone, so I have given this blog the title Sven-and-the-City ? This is more than a cheap pun. This stupid TV show has given me time support. If I have no could have family more, then I at least wanted to live a life like that of Carry and Samantha from Sex and the City. I wanted to do stöckeln itself as a strong, confident woman, professionally successful and financially independent on expensive shoes through the city and all that just like me. My shoes are expensive but no Manolo Blahniks, but only Deichmanns and become the big city is Kiel, but overall I did pretty well but hammer out and live the way I like it.

meantime, however, my heroines betrayed me. You have to have grabbed her Mr. Big, married, have children, go to pieces bear, probably Birkenstocks instead Blahniks and have also no other occasion, our beautiful single life to betray. Now I'm probably the only one still remaining sex-and-the-City Girl?

many things today the way it even before my marriage has always been: I live as a single in a beautiful apartment right in the city and under the house are a little car and my motorcycle and maintain both a full tank that it starts again . Just that today have a long-haired Svenja in miniskirt in the car, or as a biker girl on her Kawasaki increases. It could not be better, right?

Transsexualität und Einsamkeit

Nevertheless, I feel lonely sometimes . Am I perhaps just Therefore, as a single because I would anyway abkriegen anyone? No, it is hopefully not and I'm not alone. In my best friend Claudia, I've found a soulmate with whom I can talk about everything and I can also exchange with the warmth and affection. I have acquaintances who have work colleagues and even a few made friends Biker Buddies. However, I sometimes miss something. But on the other hand I have since found an ingenious recipe: Whenever I am overcome by one of those stupid loneliness and sexy blonde conquest and Vermissungsanfälle, I'll tell me one of the old Sven's favorite jokes:

"There was once a handsome prince, the beautiful Princess asked, "Will you marry me?" And she answered: "... NO!"
And the prince lived happily for many years and went fishing and riding motorcycles, hung around with his friends every day, drank beer and got drunk as often as he wanted to sit endlessly at the computer, left his socks on the chair in the dining room and lie had sex with prostitutes, neighbors and friends farted, your heart's content, sang, burped and scratched extensively on the bag.

Friday, November 5, 2010

97 Ford Explorer Seat Belt Buckle

shoes is fun

Svenja bei Deichmann CITTI-Park Schuhe kaufen " Tell me, how many pairs of shoes you like you actually still buy? You can not just put his money in ballerinas, pumps and boots. " zickt Claudia at me from the side, while we stöckeln jointly by the Kiel CITTI Park .

"And where exactly is written again?" I give back just as bitchy and I snapped on the spot.

"And I never put all my money in shoes. Or do you think that I get paid my full skirts, dresses and tights? And the perfume, the makeup and the jewelry? It is not totally fair to be a woman. Less than half of my money I invest in good shoes. If anything ... "

. "Good shoes that I did not laugh," muffelt Claudia to herself, and from the corner of my eye I see how they turned again his eyes, although she knows exactly how I hate that, "If only I the pink Korkpantoletten think you wanted to have unconditionally and then you only wear it once, because you're almost the bones would have broken. Who said good shoes ... "

"So what? Does not matter. But they were totally nice. In addition, I can probably run barefoot bad, right? "

" barefoot? Not even a centipede might all your heels and boots, ballet flats and ankle boots, wedges, clogs and toes apply. Not even if it is a hundred. "

" Now do not overdo times. "I Wiegele gently. "Did you know for example that I only have six pairs of ballerinas?"

"Six pairs? That's a lie. Alone under the windows in your room are not less than 12 pair. "When Claudia is slowly the gasping.

"Now let me finish at this, but I thought, six pairs of black suede. Otherwise I'm more of course. And also have In front of you namely Mitbgegründerin the StudiVZ Group: I have to defend a reputation, "I add in a low voice and propose modest down her eyes". I ballerinas wear in winter "

Claudia is impressed, at least she says nothing and just looks at me in awe of the page. We stöckeln on through the Kiel CITTI Park. Next stop Deichmann. I absolutely must try this brown wedge boots from advertising. Brown wedge boots, I have that is still no. In any case, it is not.

arrived at Deichmann , I sit on the large Ankleidebank and try the wonderful Over Knees with wedge heels on. But what is it? I get to the zipper, because my instep is too high. Crap. Then I must have for a while with the three pairs of live brown wedge boots, which I already have. But nice is not.

To distract me something, I ask Claudia politely: "Can you give me your that and bring in 41? And the toes in two colors, please. "And show the finger at different models.
"Why me? What is with your feet? "Asks Claudia me blankly.
"Now listen, I can probably run poorly on pantyhose through the store, or? What is it, when I come here on a chewing gum? Or on a thumbtack? That is your fault. "

" Yes, yes, that's all right, Tinky Winky. Yes it can really none of you require that you ever just puts players back into your heels. That is much too burdensome. Just stay where I'll do it. "Claudia replied, shaking his head and disappears behind the shelf next to after a while to emerge fully loaded with shoeboxes again. I tell her not to say that but that has lasted very long time. But does it. is

At Deichmann today for me nothing of it, also I have the most anyway and I miss Buffalo's money today. "I do need more tights." I proclaim so loudly that an elderly couple looking back at me in irritation. "I need opacity of every color, especially in light gray, gray, medium gray, dark gray and charcoal. Grau is namely the new black. "I add clever shit outline, draw it, the eyebrows, as I always do when I have to announce a fundamental truth. Just as then, when suddenly brown the new black and I knew this was a very first.

But like clockwork is the nagging naturally get rid of "tights? Your wardrobe is still full of it and at least a dozen you have not even unpacked. "

" So what? You know that I never wear pants and therefore I need nunmal to any outfit which absolutely right tights, otherwise the whole look good for nothing. I also need each in glossy and matte, a smooth and woolly, and most like two pieces of each. "

" But first I have to change all for my shoes, gray suede pumps get me namely straight. But before you begin to grumble again, no, they are not new. I have already bought last week. "

Luckily I have extra a couple of spare shoes in the bag. The gray boots I have in endless party nights very comfortable stamped and also the provisions of paragraphs only 5cm high. Finally comfortable .
running shoes

Svenja zieht im CITTI-Park die Pumps aus I sit down on a large leather couch and change into my rest against Pumps boots I'm still confused. "What the eggs really stare like that? Have never seen a lady most elegant city change their shoes? "

" lady? The term would be 'I am not on that occasion, as you here in your Mini dress is sitting on the couch and pull off your big I-change-the shoes show. And finally you from ordinary, every Else to flirt who happens to come near you. They're always irritated. "

" Well, you're right. I'm really not a lady, for that I am still too young. After all, I'm only twenty-four ... "