far, has run the test just fine. Even the uneven acting hand brake was still within the normal range, which clearly distinguishes it from the black micro mini, which I as an outfit for my visit to the DEKRA has attracted.
"The first aid kit?" Reply I, "No problem, lies somewhere in the trunk at the base."
While the examiner looks me over his shoulder, I open the tailgate and in fact, the small bag is still so because, as I have bought in 2003 PLAZA after I had the brand-new, small seat taken until an hour before.
But what is it? In the rim of my spare tire is something. Someone apparently has a complete girly outfit stuffed hastily. A green mini skirt folds, a salmon-colored shirt with lace and a pair of burgundy red leather flats with a tiny, sweet clip on the site, should sit out the little toe. Where do you come from?, I think, and at the same moment it occurs to me again.
As probably many transgender people at an early stage of development, I had laid out like a squirrel hiding my secret. Except that I have not hidden berries and fruits, but mini skirts and pantyhose . And just like the squirrels I've forgotten some of my hiding place then. Why this was so long undetected? Because I never had a flat and because the first aid kit is not the last time tested has been.
The things I had bought in my first life long ago on eBay and they are stored here. At least now and then I secretly embarrassing and unadorned ventured a few steps in it and in spite of hairy legs, young hair and a thick beard shadow dream to be a very pretty woman. Phew, what a difficult and painful time has been and how far I've come since then ...
I feel the questioning look of the car experts, and with a liberated grin I hand him the small radiant bandages that still shines like new.
"But he is long since expired." Clarifies the auditor me kindly, and I'm learning that even first aid kits have become an expiration date. This is just like foie gras and girly outfits, I think: Just because you do not the stuff for years unpack, it may still be bad, or even come out of fashion. (I mean the outfit, not the liver pate)
Bottom Line: Today I've already found my own style and dress as I please, even if it is even borderline . So what? This was the action of the hand brake of the seat and also the new TÜV sticker we got anyway.
PS: Would I wear the girly outfit today? Certainly not. Rather, I would in a wet T-shirt stöckeln on a construction site ...
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