munch is the best mood I Breakfast into me, without the jams and honey to appreciate even looking. What a great start to the day.
For today I had planned to visit Mespelbrunn castle, the famous Haunted Castle. Unfortunately, it is only 7 km from the lousy grouse, and is therefore already out of the race. For as I am sitting on my Enduro and the engine is running, forget any idea of any castle tours and I just want to go yet. Furthermore, I really need to talk on occasion even with a good therapist.
few miles I drive are already in the deep, dark Spessart. The September sun creates it slowly dissolve the early morning fog. Behind Weibersbrunn I follow the stream up to Hafenlohr Rothfels, where it flows into the lazily flowing Main.
I have the beautiful curve route that morning, almost to myself, only the overloaded minibus a heating contractor disturbs my morning circle. Behind a hairpin in third gear, I prefer uphill past at high speed and while I'm the corridors four, five and six reload, I smoke, the heater guys loose. Soo lame the small Kawa is not for me.
The navigator at work ...
I follow the course of the river Main until after Gemünden where I leave the river and turn into the Bavarian Rhön. Along the Franconian Saale I'm going to Bad Kissingen, where I take pause and drink a cup of hot coffee.
curve route through the Thuringian Forest
About Bad Königshofen Hildburghausen and I travel on in the Thuringian Forest Nature Park, where a dramatic curved section along through the deep pine forest on Rennsteig out. In Ohrdruf I leave behind me the Thuringian Forest and the B247 follow up to Gotha, which I experience as a depressing, ugly city.
a depressing street scene in Gotha
I see many abandoned houses, that long ago embarked disks were spiked with a makeshift wood. And there is in Thuringia a culture of wild bill posting, which I do not know about Schleswig-Holstein. Every other lamppost posters hang on garish Neonkarton to advertise the alternate for any adult shows, sex shows and table dance shows.
Shortly before Sondershausen me, the rain caught up with and I begin with finding a room for the night. On the outskirts of Nordhausen I wait at an inn with a restaurant. The pulp is rich map with great food my eye right away and I go to ask for a room for the night.
The dining room is empty and after I have fully dropped listlessly for a while with my rain suit the carpet, I call out "Hello?". After a short time also someone, but that's pretty bilious, "Who here has called hello?".
I will refrain from a real Sven reply and ask for a room. When I hear that it will cost 45 euros a night, I fall a little out of character: "Wieee please No,? thank you, that's not my price range, "and I almost added:".. At least not in this area, "I was somewhat surprised at how expensive some things are just in the former East Germany, although the performance but not as
the host. . pupsig is a little bit with me, he knows, of course, that it rains in torrents out there and that it is already quite late, "Well then good luck. I do not think you will find what cheaper. "Oh yes, I think so and the rain I have nothing now accounts for more because I live in this stupid rain suit and my skin has a base of Goretex. Poeh ...
I am not sure that women can lie down a racing start, but with a short Wheely I drive down the curb into the street and noise in an impressive cloud of mist off toward resin. If necessary, I just need to Braunlage, or even keep up Osterrode. That's part of me, but my Dubs disagrees, because it hurts right now. For quite some time I'm going through all the smaller places in the standing and rejoice in the cities of every red traffic light where I can stay short.
When I right in the resin in 640 meters from the small town Hohegeiß drive, I detect the signs to the mountain hotel where they receive a wonderful single with Breakfast buffet for 33 €. In my mind I call out to prevent the host in Nordhausen "??. Hello Can you hear me 33 euros with breakfast and the hotel was not so schraddelig like yours." I am considering just cutting back the 25 km and in Nordhausen some state, but for today's enough. I'm cold, hungry, tired and a bit ouch.
The room is decorated in the mountain hotel Hohegeiß totally beautiful and offers a great panoramic view of the resin. Unfortunately the hotel has no restaurant operation, but only 200 m away is the silver fir, a very wonderful restaurant.
The small piece I walk into my Motorcycle stuff. Today I have no desire to style me, I'm just the hair a little bit nice to me and paint a new face for the evening.
The silver fir is really great. I try as a starter the famous Harz Bratkartoffelsuppe. The name makes me curious and I think for 4 € is certainly only a small appetizer, and I can not go wrong. Conclusion: The soup tastes totally mega tasty, but it is a killer portion, which would in some upscale restaurants Kiel gone through loosely as a main course.
And while I'm still thinking how am I supposed to create my Hautpgericht, the big lumberjack steak with onions, fresh mushrooms and fried potatoes, since I get additionally a greeting from the kitchen. A plate of home-made liver sausage and blood sausage on fresh bread.
The small piece I walk into my Motorcycle stuff. Today I have no desire to style me, I'm just the hair a little bit nice to me and paint a new face for the evening.
The silver fir is really great. I try as a starter the famous Harz Bratkartoffelsuppe. The name makes me curious and I think for 4 € is certainly only a small appetizer, and I can not go wrong. Conclusion: The soup tastes totally mega tasty, but it is a killer portion, which would in some upscale restaurants Kiel gone through loosely as a main course.
And while I'm still thinking how am I supposed to create my Hautpgericht, the big lumberjack steak with onions, fresh mushrooms and fried potatoes, since I get additionally a greeting from the kitchen. A plate of home-made liver sausage and blood sausage on fresh bread.
have to ask for the recipe for the Bratkartoffelsuppe, but the women love Currywurst added extra for me in one of their test kitchen Bratkartoffelsuppe own composed and the recipe can be found here ...
Conclusion: This is the end my trip report. The tenth day consists only of the long and uneventful trip home to Kiel. Salzgitter In my experience, though, just an impressive storm, but what does it matter to me yet? I'm finally a biker girl in the orange rain suit :-)
In the picture left you see not only my new boots (PLAZA 24.95 EUR), but also my itinerary of the last ten days (3013 km).
I currently work at the general conclusion of my trip and to answer the five questions , which I I've done before so many thoughts.
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