Sunday, October 31, 2010

Parmesan Cheese Grater Battery

five questions, two answers

Svendura unterwegs beim Motorradreisen When, in August on my Kawasaki Enduro brand new to France leave, I ask myself five questions to five uncertainties I want to answer me on this trip. Meanwhile, I'm back and I have long pressed for long enough before the answers.

I was afraid that it may have answers that would not hear me. Least of all by myself

First, the P-Q: Does the thing with the passing well enough to convincingly to travel as a woman, or will I regularly called " Transe * with motorcycle" perceived?

The question is common, because I do not know if I could ever admit to myself, if I notice that my environment I smiled as lavender Tarzan on two wheels. Fortunately, I may owe the answer, for my passing as Biker Girl worked just fine and I give myself eight out of ten possible points. The is a point deduction for it agonizing self-doubt and another for a mini dress by 225g, which I took as a single coat for the evening. Thus I have asked my very good fortune to the test, because there are far too little dress and I was so provoked second and third glances have what holds for transgendered women the risk of discovery.

Question 2: What problems arise from the One, like the others? (Meaning passing, or when I'm recognized as trans)

As I have asked myself that question, I was thinking more about what happens when someone sees me as a transsexual woman and I will be really fucked. Could I handle it?

On the opposite case, that a few drunken old boy be slippery and uncomfortable, because I had not thought of. However, these boy band would have let me know without doubt if even the slightest Zeifel would come up to my femininity. This was a real ordeal for me, if the guys do not just need an optician.

And then there was the older, very nice widower, who has made me a lovely marriage proposal. If I had not friendly rejected, I would now live in a small village near Höxter, wash his laundry, cooking, making the garden and who knows what else is expected of women do.

Svenja-and-the-City stellt Fragen und wer nicht fragt bleibt dumm

Conclusion: The Case of the Passing has executed cut fine. That was my biggest insecurity. I can exist among strange people and on the trip by a foreign country as a woman, even when I'm out without makeup and in motorcycle gear? Yes, I can!

* Passing: The ability to be perceived clearly as a woman, without bursting the transsexual past. (Passing good, bad passing).
See also: Tips for a good passing .

* Transe: A derogatory and offensive term for transsexual women.
See also: Tranny Is a dirty word?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Buy Psp 3000 Or Wait For Psp2?

"of € Be Saved?" What comes after the Greek crisis

recommended reading and internet references to the lecture of 10.27.2010 before the local Board of Education Kaufbeuren-Neugablonz:

- Ludwig von Mises : theory of money and working capital, Vienna 1912

- Ludwig von Mises : the social economy. Analyses of socialism, Jena 1922

- Ludwig von Mises : the bureaucracy (Bureaucracy), New Haven, 1944 (available online at: http://docs.mises . de / Mises / Mises_Buerokratie.pdf )

- Ludwig Erhard : prosperity for all, first edition 1957, new edition 2000 Dusseldorf

- -

Ludwig; Alan Greenspan :: Gold and economic freedom, in PDF version in The Objectivist, July 1966 of Mises : On the Value of the better ideas - six lectures on economics and politics, Munich 2008 (new edition of the German first edition of 1983)

- Friedrich August von Hayek: The Road to Serfdom, reprinted Munich 2003

- Friedrich August von Hayek : The pretense of knowledge, Tübingen 1996th

- Roland Baader : money, gold and God player, 2 Edition, 2005 Gräfelfing

- Guido Hülsmann : The Ethics of Money Production, Leipzig 2007

- Michael of Prollius : The perversion of the market economy, Munich 2009

- Henry Hazlitt : Economics in Lesson One - About the economy and mismanagement, German translation of the English-first edition, Munich 2009

- Roland Baader : Money socialism, Gräfelfing 2010

- Bruno Bandulet : The last years of the euro, Rottenburg 2010

recommendations on the Internet:





Sunday, October 17, 2010

Different Ways To Masterbait

journey into the past

Svenja und ihre Ex Verlobte Dian und Butch summer of 1980. My name is not Sven, I'm 18 years old and I live with my parents in Kellinghusen, a small town in Schleswig-Holstein.

My main interests? Motorcycles and girls, where the order has changed recently.

One Day when I come home from school, my mother tells me that a new girl was in the city. An American woman, her name is Dian, comes from New York to visit here and her German grandmother.

I immediately wish to learn about this interesting and totally exotic to me Girl and I actually manage to even get in their vicinity.

My mother gives me you tips in that direction. I think she has a bit scared that I might be gay because I spend all my money for girls' clothes and be seen again in drag. No, Mom, I'm not gay, I'm just kind of different. I see myself as a woman. The term transsexual I knew at that time.

Dian lives with a girlfriend nearby and one day I get a surprise invitation to the apartment of two young women for dinner.

I know now: This is the night that happened in the ES. Perhaps it reminds you of the movie American Pie ? To Jim, the guy who's a virgin and wants to get this super sexy, Eastern European exchange student Nadia in bed? Although inside I'm like Nadia, but outwardly I will exactly what Jim wants also.

A small uncertainty remains anyway because I am at the time still a virgin and I have to rely completely on Dian. You'll know what I must do it and how it all works.

Svenja und ihre Ex Verlobte Dian und Butch I will not be disappointed. The evening will be unforgettable. Dian knows everything there is to know and even some things that I did not even know they exist.

Dian I tell of my female soul, and she finds it interesting at first glance and lets me wear so often I like their stuff.

I even remember that I sometimes Dian things went to school. Not in the Rock, but in their high boots that I wore over her jeans.

remains absolutely unforgettable my physics class in high school when I was suddenly on the board and am gestöckelt from my place in the last row of Diane High Heels forward on the board. Hardwood floors, noisy, conspicuous, embarrassing, I got a red head, but that was all. No one has said anything about my outfit.

I have often wondered why then everything went so well and has never been trouble. Maybe because I was quite popular? Because I did it naturally easy? Because bullying was not invented yet? I do not know.

from Dian and me a pair. On 24 December 1981 we engaged ourselves and take an apartment together. My parents are furious. For their taste is a bit too ripe and Dian too sexy for her boys and they fear that I could throw the school and the school let fly, but I do not, of course.

Svenja und ihre Ex Verlobte Dian und Butch Dian and I stay together for several years before we part ways eventually. You would like to get married and start a family, while I'm still too young to feel.

I was just accepted to the police and would like all my energy into this new profession. We part without Dispute, but mobile phone and Internet are still far from being invented, and we lose ourselves in the eyes.

In the summer of 2010, I get an e-mail from Dian: "I come for a visit to Germany. I am divorced and live with my new friend Butch in the South. You'll like him. I'm looking forward to our reunion. Love, Dian. "

More than twenty years have passed since we last saw them. Will I recognize Dian? Conversely, I have no doubt, of course, because I've finally changed not great. :-)

I prefer the brown dress with matching nubuck leather pumps in my short biker jacket and off you go to Hohenlockstedt where Dian and Butch are staying with a friend.

What a reunion. Dian is still the totally crazy, funky and powerful girl, when I had it in remembrance. No, life has gotten Dian is not small and I know immediately why I once loved. Both of us have grown a little, but even that is within 30 years, quite ok. Your friend Butch is a true redneck from the southern United States. We get on well straight away and I like him very much.

Together, we spend a few wonderful days in Kiel, where I put my apartment and Butch Dian available and as long to Claudia prefer. I have tears in my eyes when I finally both at the Hamburg airport, the point is. Butch invited me very cordially to the two in the U.S. where they live in a wooden house in the woods on their own mountain.

Dian und Svenja zur Kieler Woche 2010

Conclusion: This was a great reunion, but if I'll make a trip to a return visit to the southern states? There is within ten miles no piece of asphalt, which I could put a paragraph and if I succeed, the local redneck boys to convince them that being trans, all ok? I do not know yet. But great material for a travel story would be, or ...?!

PS: And here comes the explanation for the nickname "The Green Cow" for my motorcycle. As Butch learns that I ride a Kawa, he said that in his Southern Drawl "cow" and Dian make of it immediately, "The Green Cow." And so came the ...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Rikers Island Visiting Hours January

The trip, Day 9 - Spessart - Thuringian Forest - Resin

Früstück im Hotel Auerhahn When I came the next morning in the dining room to wait there already a big basket of bread and a rich sausage plate for me. This is a soft-boiled egg, delicious orange juice and strong coffee, as much as I like only.

munch is the best mood I Breakfast into me, without the jams and honey to appreciate even looking. What a great start to the day.

For today I had planned to visit Mespelbrunn castle, the famous Haunted Castle. Unfortunately, it is only 7 km from the lousy grouse, and is therefore already out of the race. For as I am sitting on my Enduro and the engine is running, forget any idea of any castle tours and I just want to go yet. Furthermore, I really need to talk on occasion even with a good therapist.

few miles I drive are already in the deep, dark Spessart. The September sun creates it slowly dissolve the early morning fog. Behind Weibersbrunn I follow the stream up to Hafenlohr Rothfels, where it flows into the lazily flowing Main.

Brücke über den Main view of the Main

I have the beautiful curve route that morning, almost to myself, only the overloaded minibus a heating contractor disturbs my morning circle. Behind a hairpin in third gear, I prefer uphill past at high speed and while I'm the corridors four, five and six reload, I smoke, the heater guys loose. Soo lame the small Kawa is not for me.

Endurowandern mit Svenja
The navigator at work ...

I follow the course of the river Main until after Gemünden where I leave the river and turn into the Bavarian Rhön. Along the Franconian Saale I'm going to Bad Kissingen, where I take pause and drink a cup of hot coffee.

Am Rennsteig in Thüringen mit dem Motorrad
curve route through the Thuringian Forest

About Bad Königshofen Hildburghausen and I travel on in the Thuringian Forest Nature Park, where a dramatic curved section along through the deep pine forest on Rennsteig out. In Ohrdruf I leave behind me the Thuringian Forest and the B247 follow up to Gotha, which I experience as a depressing, ugly city.

Straßenszene in Gotha
a depressing street scene in Gotha

I see many abandoned houses, that long ago embarked disks were spiked with a makeshift wood. And there is in Thuringia a culture of wild bill posting, which I do not know about Schleswig-Holstein. Every other lamppost posters hang on garish Neonkarton to advertise the alternate for any adult shows, sex shows and table dance shows.

Haus in Gotha No, I like it not at all and without a break I'm going to Großenehrich quickly further north.

Shortly before Sondershausen me, the rain caught up with and I begin with finding a room for the night. On the outskirts of Nordhausen I wait at an inn with a restaurant. The pulp is rich map with great food my eye right away and I go to ask for a room for the night.

The dining room is empty and after I have fully dropped listlessly for a while with my rain suit the carpet, I call out "Hello?". After a short time also someone, but that's pretty bilious, "Who here has called hello?".

I will refrain from a real Sven reply and ask for a room. When I hear that it will cost 45 euros a night, I fall a little out of character: "Wieee please No,? thank you, that's not my price range, "and I almost added:".. At least not in this area, "I was somewhat surprised at how expensive some things are just in the former East Germany, although the performance but not as

the host. . pupsig is a little bit with me, he knows, of course, that it rains in torrents out there and that it is already quite late, "Well then good luck. I do not think you will find what cheaper. "Oh yes, I think so and the rain I have nothing now accounts for more because I live in this stupid rain suit and my skin has a base of Goretex. Poeh ...

I am not sure that women can lie down a racing start, but with a short Wheely I drive down the curb into the street and noise in an impressive cloud of mist off toward resin. If necessary, I just need to Braunlage, or even keep up Osterrode. That's part of me, but my Dubs disagrees, because it hurts right now. For quite some time I'm going through all the smaller places in the standing and rejoice in the cities of every red traffic light where I can stay short.

When I right in the resin in 640 meters from the small town Hohegeiß drive, I detect the signs to the mountain hotel where they receive a wonderful single with Breakfast buffet for 33 €. In my mind I call out to prevent the host in Nordhausen "??. Hello Can you hear me 33 euros with breakfast and the hotel was not so schraddelig like yours." I am considering just cutting back the 25 km and in Nordhausen some state, but for today's enough. I'm cold, hungry, tired and a bit ouch.

The room is decorated in the mountain hotel Hohegeiß totally beautiful and offers a great panoramic view of the resin. Unfortunately the hotel has no restaurant operation, but only 200 m away is the silver fir, a very wonderful restaurant.

The small piece I walk into my Motorcycle stuff. Today I have no desire to style me, I'm just the hair a little bit nice to me and paint a new face for the evening.

The silver fir is really great. I try as a starter the famous Harz Bratkartoffelsuppe. The name makes me curious and I think for 4 € is certainly only a small appetizer, and I can not go wrong. Conclusion: The soup tastes totally mega tasty, but it is a killer portion, which would in some upscale restaurants Kiel gone through loosely as a main course.

And while I'm still thinking how am I supposed to create my Hautpgericht, the big lumberjack steak with onions, fresh mushrooms and fried potatoes, since I get additionally a greeting from the kitchen. A plate of home-made liver sausage and blood sausage on fresh bread.

Svenja Svendura Sommerreise 2010 Now it gets close but, I think, and eat only the liver sausage sandwiches, because now comes my lumberjack steak and it is stunningly delicious, and again a huge portion. The food in the silver fir is really great for girls to satiation and a further recommendation from me, not only for bikers. Sorry, I forgot

have to ask for the recipe for the Bratkartoffelsuppe, but the women love Currywurst added extra for me in one of their test kitchen Bratkartoffelsuppe own composed and the recipe can be found here ...

Conclusion: This is the end my trip report. The tenth day consists only of the long and uneventful trip home to Kiel. Salzgitter In my experience, though, just an impressive storm, but what does it matter to me yet? I'm finally a biker girl in the orange rain suit :-)

In the picture left you see not only my new boots (PLAZA 24.95 EUR), but also my itinerary of the last ten days (3013 km).

I currently work at the general conclusion of my trip and to answer the five questions , which I I've done before so many thoughts.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Super Pump Mental Side Effects

The trip, Day 8 - Nagold - Neckar - Spessart

Ich werde morgens von der Sonne geweckt The next morning I will have to awake just after seven, because pricks me a radiant sun through closed eyelids in the eye.

Yippieh, what a beautiful morning. With three sets I hop into the shower and get ready in record time. Even the mascara must turn out a little thinner today because I want to have breakfast at last, and as soon as possible start to the day.

Breakfast at the Wolf's Gorge is really mega tasty. Only the coffee is a bit thin and when I accidentally spill something on the yellow table cloth, it is not even a right place. Nevertheless, I present a precaution the salt shaker on the job.

have an hour I packed my bags and start the long-legged green Kawasaki. I'm thrilled every time anew, how calm and even the small motor is running. Without rattling and rattling at idle, he whispers quietly to himself. I drive it very gently in the first 10 kilometers and stay warm at low speed, stable below 5,000 rpm. This also gives me the opportunity to shake off the last heat of the bed and even a little too smooth to be.

The next town is Bad Herrenalb. It is a bright beautiful day and the thermometer at the People's Bank already shows 14 ° C on. In this area resorts are strung like pearls on a string. I drive alternately exciting winding roads and then roll back quietly by one of the small resorts. It's fun and I feel all around happy and satisfied.

today I would like to ride in the Bavarian Spessart, me on my recent trip was so impressed. Unfortunately, I've spent there in 2007 not a single minute and was totally dry wet and frozen. But now it looks better.

About Bad Wildbad I get to the Black Forest Spa Route and follow it to the course of the Nagold. A beautiful little river, which has retained much of its originality. I reach Pforzheim and look at the fish ladder in Nagold Weissenstein. Finally, I am not a philistine and watch me go to quite a few places. In any case, as long as I do not need to get off this ...
Fischtreppe der Nagold in Pforzheim Weissenstein
The fish ladder of the Nagold in Pforzheim Weissenstein

My route goes through Pforzheim through and on the main road, I experience a dirty, ugly city. In fairness I must say that multi-lane thoroughfares and only rarely through the most beautiful corners of a city. Maybe someone knows Pforzheim can and I still write something nice about this town?

Walheim When I reach the Neckar River and follow its course towards the north. The sun has now disappeared behind dark clouds and I look suspicious to the top, whether it is already time to put on the rain suit. By Heilbronn and Neckarsulm I pull my car along the river.

in Eberbach I leave the Neckar and bend to the northeast from the Odenwald. On the Siegfried road I drive through the middle of this beautiful landscape. Fortunately, there is little traffic and I can really enjoy the ride.

Irgendwo am Neckar
Somewhere on the Neckar, I unfortunately forgot where. Thank you, this is castle Zwingenberg. Volker has noticed it first.

Meanwhile, I'm already back seven hours in the saddle and quick Miltenberg I am beginning to look for a bed for the night. Today I do not think I lost tents to To make because now it has started to rain again. The bed search is now more particularly frustrating. I make twice the mistake of leaving my route because I follow the signs into a hotel. Both times it is a detour of 5 miles and both times the shops are closed. knock bells, cursing, but there is none. Crap. Continue.

Located in the Bavarian Spessart I find but a real piece of gold from a country inn, the capercaillie in Hobbach. Even the sight of the food card to me is the water in the mouth and the prices of food and drink are so incredibly cheap that I fear even small portions, but not the grouse! The overnight stay costs 30 € with breakfast and my room is furnished with brand new, blue stained rustic furniture very comfortable. I am very excited to have found this great inn

Auerhahn in Eschau Hobbach Neuhammer
The capercaillie in Hobbach -. My top tip for bikers in the Spessart

I can make the Enduro in the garage behind the inn and Wear the luggage the few steps to my room. Without me, I'm going to move things in my bike down to the large winter garden and drink a beer first at rest. I realize that the days are exhausting, and I, the eight hours in the saddle of that model is no longer as easily take that as late as the beginning of my journey. When I'm home again, I need safe recovery from the first holiday.

an hour later, I appear to completely re-styled in the guest room. Under the arm I carry beep that is too lazy to work, my travel notebook, two pencils, a sharpener, various maps, travel funds, and my digital camera. Sign the logbook: On the next trip I take a small handbag and a pair of high boots. Two tables away sits a cute blonde that is against the mighty I with my boring flat ballerinas abstinke transgressors, because you have a some really hot in wedge heels. But my dress is much shorter, so I can make up some ground.

I give the beauty a radiant smile, but she has only a dry grin left for me before she looks away, confused. Somehow, this number does lately not as good as before. And I'm so knotted in my first life some great contacts, when I decided to go against a friendly smile, a chat with the beauty. This whole Passingsache decided its drawbacks. Crap, because I've never before considered. I have to get used to it yet, that beautiful Women now out-of-reach for me.

For dinner I order one of my absolute favorite dish, boiled beef in horseradish sauce. I can not believe that a large portion costs only € 5.60 and would have still liked to eat a steak, but I'm already tired.

Now comes the part I love the evenings in the hotel so much. Thick crude and shot around, I'm sitting happy at my table and write in pencil in the small travel diary, as long as the impressions are still fresh.

I order given to me from time to time a fresh beer or a glass of wine. The I have to pencil that evening the same sharpen more than once before about half past nine I really really tired and bed difficult disappear to my room. Minutes later, I'm already asleep.