The work of the filmmaker, born 1957 in the United States and author Buddy Giovinazzo is as narrow as important to the history of American underground cinema. Growing up in Staten Iceland, then one of the most run-down district of New York, where his first two feature films are located, began Giovinazzo mid-70s to shoot Super 8 movies. Together with his brother Rick, who later wrote the music for his films, gründtete Giovinazzo a punk band, resorted to first appearances at the legendary CBGBs, but on the rotation of videos for other bands. In the early 80s followed short films as Lobotomy and The Christmas Album , 1986, came out Combat Shock, a valid study to date on urban and mental decay. This theme is also found in the later works No Way Home (1996) and Life Is Hot in Crack Town (2009) again, poverty, addiction, crime, broken families and violence are everywhere. The film features a radically pessimistic to find and the attitude of courage, candid photos for an existence beyond the Existenzminimus.
Life is hot sweat in the Films of Buddy Giovinazzo, the characters, they are under pressure, just before exploding. The apartments are no safe havens, but buggy mud holes from which they fled rather in the ruined streets, in families, there is no security, but stress and contempt that society is so remote as the moon. The cities look like in the war destroyed and eaten by mold as the power is in the hands of pimps and drug dealers, keep all the threads of the underground economy in their hands. There is no Solidarity between the characters, each fighting and dying for their own. Buddy Giovinazzo: "I was always interested in the issues of poverty and violence, I really do not know why. I think it's the people that fall through the social grid, follow me. Their stories touch me, are so much more moving than the more or less normal, we make every day on the road. "
In the series" Cinema Bizarre "will present his work in Buddy Giovinazzo B-Movie and three films that have influenced him.

Joe - revenge for America , USA 1970, 107 min, VHS, DF, directed by John G. Avildsen, starring: Peter Boyle, Dennis Patrick, Susan Sarandon
Eraserhead , USA 1976, 89 min, 35mm , OF, directed David Lynch , Starring: Jack Nance, Charlotte Stewart, Judith Roberts
The influence of Eraserhead on Combat Shock is obvious: young fathers on the verge of a nervous breakdown escape from the hell of responsibility and the noise of the deformed offspring - with Lynch in a mirror world behind the heater in Giovinazzo in the streets of Staten Iceland, which look even more parlous than the industrial ruins of Pittsburgh. A different kind of urban nightmare presented Rocky director Avildsen in the unjustly forgotten Joe in which the frightening Peter Boyle organized as a racist avenger of the man in a massacre on hippies, along with a father who lost his daughter to the drug believes. Since neither a film nor a DVD copy could be found, we show Joe in allerschönstem VHS Color. Buddy Giovinazzo: "What Joe for me so extraordinary, is how directly the racism of the main character is shown. The truth is told, without any attempt to make the character sympathetic. This Film is like Combat Shock the time capsule of a city, New York in the 70s. This film Peter Boyle has made a career. "
Saturday 12 June, 20 clock:
Combat Shock - Uncut (with supporting movie Maniac 2 ), USA 1986, 100 min, 16mm, original version, directed by Buddy Giovinazzo, Cast: Rick Giovinazzo, Veronica Stork, Mitch Maglio
Buddy Giovinazzo almost no money shot in the streets of Staten Iceland with this tale of a Vietnam returnee one of the milestones of the U.S. underground cinema of the 80s. The ubiquitous decay that all the faces, houses, things have attacked, we mean being able to smell almost as well as the expired milk, which plays a role in the memorable finale. Anticipate we will show the promo trailer for Maniac 2: Mr. Robbie , has turned the Giovinazzo 1989 with Joe Spinell shortly before his death.
Saturday 12 June, 22 clock:
Life Is Hot in Crack Town , USA 2009, 99 min, 35mm, directed by Buddy Giovinazzo, Cast: Evan Ross, Desmond Harrington, Lara Flynn Boyle
Buddy Giovinazzos latest work, a filming of his first novel, is a kind Short Cuts the middle and hopeless. Atmospherically dense and with his usual flair the fears and dreams of the poor and addicts, Giovinazzo said the complex interwoven stories of a variety of figures, for each new day is a struggle for survival is. On the festival with the film was enthusiastically celebrated last year.
Sunday 13 June, 15.30 Clock:
Pink Flamingos , USA 1972, 100 min, 35mm, with subtitles, Director: John Waters Starring: Divine, David Lochary, Mink Stole
"cannibalism, rape, a feeble-minded grandmother in the playpen, the pleasurable eating of dog waste - underground film director John Waters to mocking the sacred taboos of cultural goods. As the title threatens: An exercise in poor taste. "( Catholic film Service ). But if you look long and carefully enough, that has understood Buddy Giovinazzo as opposed to the Fathers: Then beauty and truth of it. Buddy Giovinazzo: "The movie showed me that anyone can make a film. Pink Flamingos was shot without any budget, with friends as actors and crew, and I was totally inspired. Simply hold of a camera and make a movie. "