Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Genital Tattoos Movie

Encyclopedia of object points S, such as taxes

Since the last federal election, a new word not thrilled by the media, the nonsense of the supposed "tax gifts". If tax cuts are called "tax cuts" would have to tax increases, consequently, be described as state theft. Both are quite ethically indefensible and wrong based on the following considerations:

taxes are not a theft or robbery, but a - "although to some degree inevitable - evil" (Mises, the cooperative sector, Jena 1932, p. 456) when the maintenance of the Basic Law provided for basic state functions are used, namely
  • the rule of law, to maintain peace under the law and in particular the protection of property and freedom of contract,
  • the state to ensure the safety of its citizens to the outside and to the maintenance of the subsidiarity idea of the federal system ', However, no guarantee of existence for non-viable micro and small states, such as Saarland, Bremen, Hamburg or Berlin,
  • the welfare state, unless the objective of addressing immediate social need (BVerfGE 28, 348), in which the person concerned is no fault ( eg War victims and war load balancing: BVerfGE 11, 56, 27, 283), is ignored.

Because Article 1 of the Basic Law provides a clear hierarchy after government action is not an end in itself, but man the measure of forms of government activities, so must the tax burden will find their limits where human dignity, which is also in power and property is manifested, not in the center, is mainly because higher-income taxpayers are only object of raising funds of the state. "Tax cuts" knows our constitutional order, in the heart of man, that is also the taxpayers, so do not. The reduction of taxes and charges is an inherent constitutional requirement (see BVerfGE 93, 121, 138), although the so-called half-sharing principle in modern Supreme Court, unfortunately, could not solidify completely, although this issue in the time of the absolutism 'knew how Frederick the Great proves a quote: his

"A government be frugal, because the money they receive comes from the blood and sweat of their people. It's just that each individual contributes to help pay the expenses of the state. But it's not fair that he half his annual income has to share with the state. "

The philosopher Peter Sloterdijk criticized in an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung at the beginning and the Half-sharing principle as the absolutist Relic:

" fully-developed tax states complain every year half of all the economic successes of their productive layers of the Treasury, without the person concerned to the most plausible reaction on taking the anti-fiscal civil war, their refuge. This is a political dressage score, which would finance any of absolutism can be pale with envy. "

The tasks of the welfare state are constitutionally limited to a self-help. The Constitution knows no social, as reflected in the last 40 years has developed more or less uncontrolled and sprawling, with a general alimentation of nothing in favor of those groups that pass through this practice the loudest, if possible, by force or sophisticated lobby representatives.

recognized the economic importance of taxes, especially the Austrian school of economics. Ludwig von Mises explained that tax is nothing but a burden on producers and / or property owners and reduce the production and / or the property under the measure reached otherwise. Recently, this economic law is made by politicians in question, whose economic contributions In the past, rather than through demagoguery distinguished by logic and knowledge. The positive economic effects of tax cuts was no evidence flat denied to detract from the need to reduce spending and eliminate useless bureaucracies. From an economic point of view is, however, tax cuts increase productivity: they lead to cost reductions for companies and increase the return on investment. They lead to increased performance incentives and hence higher risk taking and creativity and therefore create jobs. Tax cuts do work again profitable, that have been "taxed away". Together taken will ultimately be increased tax revenue.

Even Peter Sloterdijk hits in his interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung the nerve when he indirectly to the political question of power aims:

" Most party leaders are very interested in some of the thoughts and feelings of the people spend their money to. Tax issues, they still think purely statist. They believe in the well-meaning kleptocracy, not so different from the princes and the fiscal authorities of the past. "

The conclusion is to be noted that the Basic Law can be enforced only if the state tax collection are strict limits. The Federal Constitutional Court that view in the fiscal decision to abolish the wealth tax and tax under the subsistence minimum taxation of families already in the 90s of last century confirmed.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Apples Erythma Nodosum

ade prosperity - Germany's inexorable descent

The star Salary Report these days appears not really surprise you: In every other profession in the analyzed period 1990-2010 massive real income losses recorded since the magazine Stern commissioned study by the Institute Statista first time in the last 20 years occurred purchasing power losses into account. Statista assumes an inflation rate of 47%, which it is expected this figure to the official rate of inflation measured by the so-called basket of the Census Bureau and since the launch of the euro, the European Central Bank to act. Although probably still set too low, this number will be called dramatic, despite the fact that the phase of hyperinflation, as in 1923 cost than 154 billion paper marks all 0.15 gold marks to the state in 1914, has not been reached.

The official inflation of 47% is not, however, the real price trend, as the static mathematical model of the basket is not suitable, the actual developments to reflect the prices of goods and services. For example, electronic items are still over-represented: Who is buying itself a monthly new TV or PC? Not taken into account, the price developments remain due to the increase in world trade, which is the international division of labor. Is the €

now as stable as the German mark? Compared with the stability of the German mark, which had lost in 40 years, at least 95% of their original purchasing power, the euro proves to be much "softer currency." Its purchasing power has halved in just 10 years since its launch in 1999 such as, for the ECB monetary policy is not stability-oriented: For example, the European Central Bank increased in 2007 within a few days in response to the so-called U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, the money supply M 1 100 billion € from 600 to 700 billion and at the same time reduced the value of the euro, so its purchasing power accordingly.

The in 2008, followed by crisis, its technical cause was the collapse of the real estate market in the U.S. and is now erroneously called the financial crisis is in fact a inflation crisis , triggered mainly due to an exploding national debt of the leading world economies, USA, Japan and the EU countries. Already in 2004, four years ago was the inflation crisis, the entire Public debt of the United States about 36 trillion U.S. dollars and was thus higher than the entire world's output in the amount of time some 32 billion U.S. dollars.

So why is the real inflation 1990-2010 higher than at 47%? been

The concept of so-called bazaar economy illustrated Hans-Werner Sinn, 2005 in which unprecedented scale primarily the German goods production was moved abroad. Germany remained the only reason why continue to "export world champion" because complex production processes, eg in the automotive industry have shifted to lower-cost countries. The export of a car, its parts up to 95% were born overseas, but to 100% Statistics of the German export credit. German companies would have all but finished products from the domestic prices to expensive domestic relations, including the final products would have much higher prices. The same applies to the final consumer, who can now stock up everywhere with cheap everyday products in the textile, electronics and leisure area in the Far East. In other words, this means no more than that globalization affects inflation-dampening effect. How scary is the true high inflation, shows the trend in prices for gas and crude oil or other commodities, as the supply of these goods not because of any effective cost and production structures increased at is. The true extent of inflation is, therefore, to read, especially at the prices that are not affected import. Through the development of raw materials, services and real estate prices, the real inflation can be read.

The descent of Germany was a prosperous country always already mentioned statistical tricks, like the reference to the export world championship or trying to hide the positive development of gross national product. By the exploding national debt to gross national product continued, referring to an alleged economic growth, they tried to inform the public about the extent of public debt and inflation to deceive. In fact, the height of the so-called State share meaningful than the gross national product, which on closer inspection is the only reason why an increase recorded since the state activity was increased: taxes were increased continuously to ever-higher spending on transfers of public budgets, ranging from civil servants salaries, offer social benefits to towards regional and sectoral subsidies to finance.

is for 2005, even before the horrendous tax increase of 3 percentage points from a real example calculation shows that the income growth in Germany since 1990 "after tax" even more dramatic than the Stern identifies Report: was presumed to have the average monthly salary of an industrial employment in German worker in the amount of € 3,116.00 (gross), so already minus the employer for statutory health, accident and unemployment insurance. have had the workers in our sample calculation of this percentage may even, his monthly income to € 3,962.00 (= real gross) would amount. After a bachelor of skilled workers who are entitled done no night or on public holidays are no tax benefits, amounts to be strong narrowed net wage, ie net of all direct taxes and social contributions to only € 1,948.00. This marked the end of the stress is still not reached, because this amount leaves the indirect tax on all consumer goods and services not considered. Therefore, is the real net income, unmarried our skilled worker, that is less VAT and other consumption taxes only € 1,363.00. The real tax burden for single recipient of average income, far from any peak earnings is incredible 65.7%, mind you before the VAT increase to 19%.