Monday, August 31, 2009

Merilyn Sakova Machine

The secretive scandals: Ulla Schmidt and comrades: Their march through the institutions.

Are the German leading media biased or superficial and it is up to the little dedicated work of civil Opposition, that of all the improper use of official weighing or flight readiness against Minister Ulla Schmidt has been argued, but no one speaks of the past, the Minister, political backgrounds and beliefs.

Because in the seventies, fought the current health minister, nor as radical Maoistin against the free democratic order and its current party, the SPD. One can hardly speak of probably a careless youth sin if you look at the web Ulla Schmidt moved closer look. It acted since the mid-seventies by the late 20s, early 30s in top management functions and as a cadre of extremely regarded as radical and violent Maoist party, the "Communist League of West Germany (KBW). The program of the Communist Federal West Germany, "it said in 1975 on page 16:" As long as the bourgeoisie has armed formations to the defense of capitalist property, the proletariat's political power will have to fight with arms. "

The KBW was probably the most successful of the from the so-called '68-sectarian movement emerged "K-groups" and was run as a strictly Maoist cadre organization. Members were forced to take at least 10% of their gross revenue to the KBW. On the Party members were to exert a strong pressure, which shrank also from psychological terror and demanded not to members of mandatory contributions. Thus, the KBW disposal in addition to a series full-time officers and a well-developed technical infrastructure, such as a fleet, one for its time very modern content management system, its own party building in several major cities, its own printing, book sales and their own publishers. Ideologically, the KBW saw his role models in mass murderers like Mao Tse Tung died in 1976 or Pol Pot in Cambodia and openly sympathized with the local stone age communist terrorist regimes, including the in Albania. In December 1978, a KBW delegation traveled led by Joschka Schmierer at the invitation of the Khmer Rouge in the country had in the murder by the Khmer Rouge under their leader Pol Pot just two to three million "class enemies", one of unfassbarsten crime in history 20th Century.

The Butcher of Africa was considered a famous Ugandan dictator Idi Amin the KBW as a progressive leader. At the same time, other terrorist organizations such as the ANC in South Africa and the regime of dictator Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe have been supported.

At the top of the 11-member Central Committee (CC) of the KBW was modeled after a Leninist Central Committee secretary. This feature was filled with a certain Joscha Schmierer, who is also editor of the central organ of the party, the Communist People's Daily "was and spread the abstruse doctrines of socialism, communism, violence and class struggle, until he joined in 1983, the Greens and his march through the institutions successfully could conclude with a leading position as head of policy planning at the Foreign Office, responsible for fundamental issues of European politics 1999th The rejection of the Soviet Union as too lenient and inconsistent, and the attention to Maoist Cultural Revolution, the Terror 1966-1976 millions of lives in China called, was an important part of the philosophy of KBW.

candidate in 1976, the Health Minister Ulla Schmidt later in 2nd place in North Rhine-Westphalia state list of KBW and as a direct candidate in the city of Aachen. Next to her later managed several KBW Enjoyed the entry into the Bundestag, but at other left parties: for example, Ursula Lötzer for the LEFT and Winfried Nachtwei and Krista Sager for the Greens. Schmidt's opponent in 1976 was a certain way, Dieter Schinzel of the SPD. He later became a political mentor of be successful as a direct candidate Aachen SPD in the Bundestag elected politician.

reminded of their time at KBW, Ms. Schmidt is no longer so much. In an interview with the magazine Cicero in April 2006, she speaks only of "changing times", will not comment on details of their activities at that time though. For example, to not question why she wanted to complete their second exam, teachers give no explanation in 1976 for loyalty to the constitution and is therefore initially not accepted as a primary school teacher in state schools. In the "Communist People's Daily" on 15 July 1976 then it is celebrated as a heroine because she had refused in an open letter to the governor, an oath to the Constitution.

After working in the Woolworth department store in Aachen, accusing the state school board finally a job as a special education teacher in Stolberg, in the district Aachen. In her interview with the magazine Cicero Schmidt is outraged by the accusation that it had urged the children in her class at that time to donate money for weapons for the uprising in Zimbabwe. "You wrote me, I would have supported murderous regimes" Instead, have your students do after reading a book on children in Zimbabwe donate money, so Schmidt's present one. All she says. It tells nothing about that KBW youth groups entire camp camps under the slogan "guns for the youth in Zimbabwe - proletarian revolution and armed Uprising in Germany organized. Not the fact that their own party newspaper, the story was himself brought the ball rolling and the fundraiser in the school under the title "guns for the youth of Zimbabwe reported that a" U. Schmidt collect in her class had 30 marks.

Nevertheless, Schmidt rehabilitated as a teacher and marched as many of their former comrades successfully through the institutions. In the federal election campaign in 1983 discovered the above mentioned SPD deputy Schinzel their "political talent" so that it occurs in the same year in the SPD and the federal mandate wins in 1990.

1985 caused the KBW formally to after he had placed his assets in a club that should support the Greens. The (originally purchased for about DM 3 million) of its Frankfurt headquarters building could profitably be sold for about DM 30 million to Commerzbank. Many former members, such as Joscha or Ralf Schmierer Fücks and Willfried Maier (Senator of the Greens in Hamburg) later found their political home with the Greens, like their former anarchist comrades Joschka Fischer and Daniel Cohn-Bendit. Others returned to civilian life and work made in spite of their radical leftist past, in industry and business associations remarkable careers. Striking KBW many activists were working as doctors, teachers, lawyers and professors. Even two Protestant pastor, Pastor Groth Edda from Hamburg-Bramfeld and Pastor Eckard Gallmeyer from Quickborn / Ellerau were found in the KBW series. Other prominent members of the KBW and its subsidiary organizations were Reinhard Bütikofer, National Chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens (formerly Communist University Group / KHG and KBW Heidelberg), Ralf Fuecks, President of the Heinrich Boell Foundation, former green environmental Senator in Bremen (KHG Heidelberg and later Bremen), Hans-Jörg Hager, Chairman of the Board of Schenker AG, Germany (formerly the Central Committee of the KBW 1976-1978 and executive editor of the Communist People's Daily "), Eberhard Kempf, defense lawyers (" Company in support of the people's struggles, 1995-1977 defenders of the accused in demonstration processes, then Frankfurt KBW office), Winfried Kretschmann, leader of the Greens in state parliament of Baden-Württemberg, Hermann Cohen, - 2003 Green Vice President of the Bremen citizenship (as a teacher "victims" of the radicals decree) or Horst Loechel, professor at the Banking Academy eV / Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. As Ulla Schmidt is

first time in 2001 appointed to the cabinet Schröder, hit them there not only to Joschka Fischer, but also to Jürgen Trittin, a former member of another communist splinter group called KB-Nord. Many doctors, Ulla Schmidt "health reforms" affected were, was the latest appointed Schmidt for the second time as health minister, convinced that she wants to change with "textbook-like accuracy" of the German health care in a dirigiste bureaucracy of communist character. And in 2006, summed up the magazine versicherungstip : "The then-term commitment, the current cover-up and a health reform proposal, has the character of expropriation, are clear signs that Communist ideas at Ulla Schmidt took the time."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How To Calibrate A Tractor

from charismatics and coalition options

Thank despite protestations: The impressive 2009 campaign either by content or by interesting candidates. Where hitherto remained as important issues, such as the horrendous national debt, inflation, bankruptcy of the welfare state, or the imminent end of the national law, by the EU Treaty of Lisbon?

survey low in spite of media helps protect

Concerned about the bad poll numbers of the SPD off is now RTL and the magazine Der Spiegel, to help with a sold as "live" Town Hall "production SPD candidate, Steinmeier on the jumps. The success remains to be seen as the popularity of "Frank-Walter who?" is still well behind the second placed candidate for chancellor, Horst Schlämmer Gaudi, a cult figure Hape Kerkeling.

The Jamaican version

existence of political campaigns today only of show and fuss? No, because there are still various electoral programs, although it appears that the parties have written off eagerly from one another: the EU wants to limit global warming to 2 degrees, winning 30% of electricity from renewable energy sources and enter not into nuclear power, which obviously a black-green alliance is to be prepared, if necessary, extended FDP was a component, because this program with "free beer adjusted for all "(= liberal minimum), destruction of families by the priority of state education and gay adoptions, the green model.

"People's Republic of Germany"?

between the election platforms of the SPD and the Left (formerly: SED) are already only marginal differences Lafontaine's minimum wage to be 8 €. Müntefering SPD, just 50 cents less. If the former FAZ editor Hugo Mueller-Vogg keep his oppressive realist writer of a red-red-green takeover so right after all? The survey is still positive values of the Chancellor, however, seem to speak. Personal approval ratings are not always benefit of each party, as well as crowd favorite shows to Guttenberg.

comes to the Chancellor about it!

is too great for the disappointment of many ordinary voters Union of Merkel's government time even though you have to Guttenberg to the desire of voters just to clear profile and strong convictions. In the end, but it will arrive on the Chancellor. Bill Clinton won in 1992 with the right theme: "It's the economy, stupid" may lose the Union 2009 (again) because of the wrong candidate: "It's the chairwoman, stupid!"

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mh-23 Quick Charger Red Light

Encyclopedia of object points - today: G as profit

In the by the last few years trade unions, left parties and the media always polemical campaign against the voluntary, democratic cooperation of the people (usually referred to as a market economy or capitalism as a pejorative), became, unfortunately, the denigration of corporate profits is becoming increasingly important. Most is now spoken by excessive return expectations, profit maximization or the lack of culture of shareholder value. In fact, the profit but the most important characteristic of the operating account, because it seeks to demonstrate, has correctly whether and to what extent the business of production factors and its products, the actual demand served or produced by the market.

After the collapse of real existing Socialism in Eastern and Central Europe is already about 20 years back, it seems that the massive problems of non-owner-managed and non-profit making, not profitable "socially owned" companies today to be forgotten. Are different today, especially at the local level increasingly vocal demands, companies should be nationalized or continue to operate through the public sector do not explain. Apparently not privately owned companies have greater financial flexibility and could offer their customers and employees more because they have to bring to the shareholders to profit.

Requiring the contractor, to give up profits, the recommendation is similar to a captain, his ship was to stand without a compass and maps in the lake. These and similar views also ignore the real, social, that is of general interest related tasks of company. Real corporate activity is to decide to use scarce resources in a certain way, so as to produce a particular product.

are now unfortunately "Manager" incorrectly as the epitome of the entrepreneur. Managers are but mere employees in management positions. It is the entrepreneurs, so the owners, who have the risk of loss and bankruptcy. Only the

hopefully adjusting the gain shows Entrepreneur if he has scarce resources (production factors) are used correctly. The success of the entrepreneur ultimately decide to consumers, give to understand with their equivalent in money value the business estimate for the value they actually hold the product. The higher the income, the greater was the service of the entrepreneur to his fellow man, to the consumers.

If not set a profit, but only losses, this is the signal to the contractor that he has made mistakes. He has produced such products, which no one takes on its market (eg refrigerators at the North Pole or not government-subsidized solar panels in rainy Germany). In the worst case, these errors lead to corporate bankruptcies, but as the winner also an important function. An economic system in which one fears bankruptcies and spares no expense to prevent it offers no fertile ground for entrepreneurs and consumers, but also endangers the long-term optimal supply of goods. Also, the bankruptcy is an important indicator of the economy. Disable this lesson, as in the former Soviet bloc produced where hundreds of thousands of unprofitable state enterprises to unrealistic prices actually unsaleable products, errors can not be fixed so that scarce economic resources, ie capital and labor are wasted.

The function of the entrepreneur, for profit, is to anticipate what people might need it tomorrow and make provisions that are available on time. Should be dropped from the profitability, companies can make no more right decisions. They come from as the ship without a compass on the right track so that the national economy more than offset capital built up. Such a society living in this country as identifiable only by the substance.