Thursday, July 30, 2009

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Encyclopedia of object points - present: C as "crowding out" phenomenon:

The "crowding out" effect, or crowding, is an economic phenomena and describes the impact of state Interventions or activities on private investment and generally to people's behavior. The Reichstag deputy Eugen Richter described this effect in the 19th Century very clearly with the example of the introduction of compulsory health insurance system by Bismarck 1883:

"There are in fact the health insurance laws suitable to suppress the development of registered assistance funds. In fact, from 1891 to 1895, the registered assistance funds decreased from 1891 to 1388, the national legal assistance funds from 450 to 263rd The number of members is on the inscribed relief funds of 838 481 to 671 668 and in the national financial assistance funds of 138 883 decreased to 60 543. The free assistance funds but are based solely on the contributions of workers, they are in a position to grant the workers several particular advantages. They may in particular allow a body independent of the individual local organizing the workers to remain with the move to another job within the same fund. "

The introduction of health insurance in Germany ousted ie a functioning system of private provision and private insurance . Eugen Richter described as applicable, government intervention, therefore, never lead to an improvement, but always in a deterioration the situation of those whose lot in accordance with the full-bodied announcements of politicians should be really improved. Thus lead tenant protection laws, implying direct or indirect rent limits to artificial shortage of rental properties, reinforcing the problem of housing shortages, because the economic law of nature lead to fixing prices below the market clearing price to a permanent shortage, as well as the gravity of anyone suspended can be.
can be precise to observe two effects: the State or a similar compulsory collective tasks that were previously done to families or single individuals themselves Commits have stunted their own initiative. Why should save people or children, if there is a government pension guarantee? Why should we pay attention to his health, if the state promises a seemingly free medical care? Therefore, the social pension scheme leads to the aging of the population, the state of emergency and nursing care to the statutory unemployment insurance to unemployment. While this effect could best be described as a paradox of well-intentioned welfare state, the second phenomenon is a kind of boomerang effect: State-beneficiary groups to which special state protection laws are dedicated to learn this truth in a strong economic deprivation: workers special rights which the law can be given to increase the production costs in certain sectors of the measure of marginal costs beyond productivity. Annual leave, maternity protection, anti-discrimination and social rights are based economic claim against the owners. Permanent employees will be "false self" and temporary workers, younger women by men and people generally replaced by machines. Because for all public benefits, legal rights and guarantees must ultimately pay the company. If taxes and wage costs rise, such that the marginal costs are exceeded, remains only the task or operation of the bankruptcy. That is we have lost in Germany in recent decades, millions of jobs and thousands of enterprises not a mysterious, supposedly inevitable "structural change" due. It is simply the claim by government allocation constantly rising costs have meant that only survived the most productive, most competitive German companies. The losers of this failed policy, as always, the poorest and most vulnerable in our society, as all the jobs for so-called "low skills" might be lost forever.

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New Series: Encyclopedia of the object points - now: M, like minimum wage

How could it happen that is now offered the most absurd claims a benevolent public forum in the media, academia and politics, if only the magic word is heard socially? Opinions that are as absurd as the claim that the sun would turn around the earth or two and two is five. These absurdities include the debate over the so-called minimum wage.

had actually saints like Thomas Aquinas and the scholastic philosophers such as already recognized in the latest Middle Ages, that there is a fair wage is not, either because the wages always rises to the purely subjective eye of the recipient of a service. The wage is therefore exactly as high as to pay a public or a large number of consumers for a product or service is ready. Is it unfair that footballers, Show-offs or Formula 1 drivers as much and earn as little postman?
The question has already been completely wrong, for they are the consumers themselves who decide who deserves as much, even if they complain about allegedly unfair wages at the same time. So if you want to do something for mail delivery must be prepared instead of a few cents to pay 20 or 50 € per letter. These are orders of magnitude as the average ticket prices for football players, or show stars admire Formula 1 drivers to. And who wants to hurt last big earners should simply not buy fan merchandise, tickets or more records.
The only work which can never be, arbitrary price-fixing by the state or other coercive cartels: Was it fair that a bus driver in the former Soviet Union or East Germany as much deserved as a doctor or a teacher? Could it be that it was the reason that so many performers of East Germany came under mortal danger the back?
Who wants to ever presume to decide about which pay for Millions of people is fair? Does Mr. Gysi, Mr. Lafontaine, Mr. Steinmeier and Mr. Sommer may be the performance of each minimum wage in order to decide the right pay? And what is the correct wage level: 7.50, 8.00 or 10.00 €?
It would be desirable if all people in Germany as providers and consumers voluntarily and democratically themselves could decide on the amount of each payment. Why call for politicians and trade unions minimum wage? It is very simple: Should make politicians, officials and other ideologues of the free decision of the public, if it is about their own pay, they would experience pain that consumers attach to political "benefits" not very high. Maybe one or the other for pocket money as a shock to be invited to the party or birthday party hired as Black Peter.
know as opposed to the absurd slogans of some professional demagogues, people instinctively that there is an inevitable economic law of nature, which always lead to high wages to unemployment and low wages are to labor shortages. Only crazy dictatorships was believed to be able to implement these laws of nature. Interestingly, in Germany in 1934 with the law to order the national working a minimum wage introduced (see: ). As this and the subsequent experiment in the eastern part of Germany have ended, should hopefully be announced.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Clear Mucus Before Periods

What does Horst Seehofer of Ludwig Erhard?

presented yesterday Prime Minister Horst Seehofer, the final report of an expert commission future social market economy : added " The work of the Commission showed that the social market economy are not in the context of the global financial and economic crisis reinvented must, however, specifically reserved for the future Challenges should be developed. "Efficient markets would function according to Seehofer only on a strong foundation of values. It stated in the course of globalization, deregulation allegedly broken out race to be stopped.

It is unfortunate that neither Mr Seehofer nor its "expert commission" with the true contents of the conceived by Wilhelm Röpke, Walter Eucken, Friedrich August von Hayek and others, and of Ludwig Erhard and Alfred Müller-Armack largely unrealized broad social market economy have explained. Otherwise they would have realized that the outbreak of the current financial crisis is not due to the low regulation the financial markets, but on the irresponsible debt, spending and monetary policy of the G-8 countries, due above all the United States, is that an incorrect interest rate cut policy of the U.S. Federal Reserve and the ECB created a liquidity bubble that just had to burst at the moment when market participants caused by bad investments, such as the completely over-valued real estate assets identified and especially when interest rates increased again and the unrealistic basis of some financing was placed by open. The market itself is not the cause of a stock market crash. He can not cheat rather durable, but brings all the parties involved in the short or long on the bottom of the facts (see also: Time for Freedom: "On the true causes of the financial crisis," from 26.06.2009)

The idea of the social market economy is on the theories of the so-called "Ordo-liberalism" back which has in turn taken currents of the "Freiburg School of Economics" and the "Austrian school of economics". The most important representatives in the first half of the last century include Walter Eucken, Franz Böhm and in particular Hans Grossmann Doerth and the Berlin Wilhelm Röpke and Alexander Rüstow. An important Also contributed to the "Austrian" economist and Nobel laureate Friedrich August von Hayek. Hayek is a student of Ludwig von Mises, the most important representative of the Austrian School. Basis of the Ordo-liberalism is an economic system characterized by the protection of competition and individual freedom of citizens.

Ludwig Erhard applied the findings of the Ordo-liberalism, the term of the social market economy, in practice, even justified but no private school science. Among the hundreds of writings and documents in the archives of the Ludwig-Erhard-Stiftung is therefore no single textbook of social market economy. Therefore, could the be the concept of social market economy in the past decades of abuse or often filled with false content. The social market economy was often mistaken the meaning of a combination of private and governmental redistribution or excessive regulation, as is apparently also misunderstands Mr. Seehofer. The social market economy is the exact opposite of today by the politicians of the grand coalition desired "dual system" of a little free market combined with massive government activities: the word "social" for the term "social market economy" used Erhard never a limiting adjective, but to characterize a free market economy, their performance and their social results:

" This is the social meaning of market economy is that every economic success, where does he always that any benefit from the rationalization, every improvement in the performance of the best interests of all the people available is made and is a better satisfaction of consumption. "
(Ludwig Erhard, in:" Prosperity for All ", Munich 1957, new edition 1997, page 169)

" And no less clearly shown us is that prevailing economic tensions and social emergencies in particular still there, where too much state of the free creative Initiative of the people creates bonds and can reach about the effect of economic activity not to optimum effectiveness. "
(Ludwig Erhard: The economic system of free people, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 6.1.1957, in: Karl Hohmann, Ludwig Erhard: Thoughts from five decades, speeches and writings, Munich 1988, page 510)

" Often there even the completely erroneous idea before, that free competition to a repression of social movements, or at least lead to economic disruption, as it is convinced that all liberal and socially-oriented professionals was just the suppression of freedom of movement yet; disturb the equilibrium of the economy and they became embroiled in increasingly desperate looser crises. If the state keeps watch over the future that does not prevent social privileges or artificial monopolies the natural balance of economic forces, but that the interplay of supply and demand is room, then the market will regulate the use of all economic forces in an optimum manner and hence those misdirection correct. "
(Ludwig Erhard, in" German economic policy. The way of the social market economy ", Munich 1962, p. 20 f.)

" Everyone is his own fortune. There is individual freedom, and this the more, the less the state presumes to spoon-feed the individual citizen or even set themselves up to his patron to do. Those that pay benefit 'the people must always expensive, because no state to give its citizens more, than he has previously taken them - and still less of the cost is inevitably more and more an end in itself degenerating social bureaucracy. Nothing is so antisocial, as a rule, than the so-called 'welfare state', which can decrease the human responsibility limp and individual performance. "
(Ludwig Erhard," On the standard of living ", Washington Post, 08/15/1958)

Erhard merit lies mainly in the fact exceeded the limits of economic theories and opened next to the translation into practical policy, new perspectives for the social functioning of a society to have. According to Erhard, the main focus of the economic policy had to be on the many facilities that are injurious to morality or to ruin and evade the freedom soil:

on the welfare state, the anonymous, the moral obligation between people and thus relativized and weakens ;
to parties and associations, the crowd in the place of private morality, and thus nullify it and
speaks to the materialistic attitude, the moral doubts Hohn and are the only money and goods as a measure of value.

If Horst Seehofer, the idea of Ludwig Erhard's social market economy will be understood correctly, he also discusses the basics of the Ordo-liberalism and focus mainly by Ludwig Erhard highly esteemed Austrian school of economics:

" For if ever a theory the signs of the time knew how to correctly interpret their findings and gave a modern economic and social policy, new impulses, then there were the thoughts of men who are today regarded as neo-or moderately liberal. You have given the economic policy more and more socio-political trends and the isolation of a mechanistic-computingful Thought solved, they have the economists taught to think in functions and made it clear that the economic life did not understand the people and peoples in isolation from her other realms and therefore not be isolated may be ordered. "
(Ludwig Erhard Karl Hohmann (Editor). Ludwig Erhard - Thoughts from five decades of speeches and writings, Munich 1988, page 696)

So who demonized neoliberalism must logically also reject Ludwig Erhard and the real social market economy . With the just-rendered quote, Ludwig Erhard contests keynsianistische trends in economics and against today prevailing theory of the so-called macro-economy. Macroeconomics tries with aggregates such as national income, consumption, saving, explain, investment etc. macroeconomic relationships in models. In uncritical use of these units, which are only abstract art greats, but it can be a significant reality of loss and the loss of the ability of the economy to provide useful services practice. Therefore, the bulk of international economists, the current financial crisis can not predict, because the real understanding of economic processes can take place only to be interpreted from the actions of individuals, as the micro-economics, especially the Austrian school has been doing for a long time. The economists of the Austrian school, have predicted as the only back in 1928 the collapse of the stock exchanges on "Black Friday" 1929 (namely von Mises and Hayek) and the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble in 2007 accurately.

It is also wrong if Seehofer and others now want to construct a contradiction between the market and morality, rather than deal with the real causes that scare today companies, banks and consumers the wrong incentives for misconduct: welfare states, their huge spending programs not with tax increases, but for decades only by currency inflation cope with all concerned citizens to convince short-term profit maximization and for investment speculation, to compensate for the otherwise inevitable inflation losses. Stable currencies without permanent loss of purchasing power would remove any future speculative bubbles, however the base.

Not the market, but politicians, government bureaucracies and central banks would need so urgently the values that they so much against the company and claim our citizens. The market does not need monitoring or restrictive morality, but rather as a moral guarantor of human behavior, as argued by Friedrich August von Hayek: "The fact that the market economy moral principles has and can only work with what I have described earlier the morale of the property, of honesty and contract compliance, which they (the people) not aware of. But until about 100 years ago it was just a common tradition that no one has doubted. "

values arise not in a vacuum, but under free market participants, for their economic success including one's own honesty and reliability to ensure compliance with contracts, in so-called" secondary virtues "as timely and complete deliveries and made mutually complimentary manners depend. Who would a restaurant visit a second time, hurl abuse at him in the head waiter and then served an inedible meal? And what restaurant would eventually hold on the market that will proceed with his guests?

Dr. Thomas Jahn, July 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

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Thou shalt not steal! You shall not covet your neighbor belongings!

Yesterday, the Pope called for a rethinking of economic policy. A good reason to deal with the current misunderstandings and deliberate misrepresentations clean up:

The Catholic Church is not on the side of the anti-capitalists, socialists, interventionists and statists, but sanctifies private property, even if it is misused or abused. Pope Pius XI confirmed this with reference to the encyclical Rerum Novarum in Quadragesimo Anno, (§ 47). This unshakable conviction is a manifestation of the essential Christian ethics from God's image and uniqueness of each person. For this personality of the people, of course, the human existence is at all times, namely in the past, present and future. The ownership of each person manifests itself here in the past, so in the performance of his life. Two, the ten commandments deal with the sanctity of private property, namely, the seventh and the ninth commandment.

The Catholic social teaching, in response to the industrialization 19th Century is not a guide to action for expropriations, government intervention and planning, on the contrary

, Pope Leo XIII in the decisive for the Catholic social teachings encyclical Rerum Novarum, (§ 12): "In all the experiments, aufzuhelfen the lower classes, that is as principle to hold that private property is to leave untouched. "

In the 20th Century, Pope John XXIII, "that private property ... protect the human right to liberty and are thus making an essential contribution to building the right social order needs."

most clearly, however, Pope John Paul II occurs in the encyclical Centesimus Annus, (§ 42) for the free market economy: "A society in which private property is inviolable, we can call a fully free society and its economic aspect, free market or free market economy are cited. If such an economy is perfected by Christian charity, it promotes truly economic and social progress. "

with a rethink of economic policy for the real Catholic doctrine, therefore, the rejection constant, manipulative intervention in the meant by private property and freedom of contract marked economic activity . Christianity condemns currency manipulation and inflation. This view goes back to the St. Thomas Aquinas and the Scholastics of the late Middle Ages, such as Bishop Nicholas of Oresme back to the former, even primitive currency manipulation of the princes (secret deterioration of the coin quality) as the outflow of the Antichrist with the consequences of an unpredictable general moral decay . saw

Not the infantile superstition of the alleged collective greed of the Manager, companies, investors or speculators is therefore triggered by economic crises, but bloated state budgets, heavily indebted countries, their debts only by means of inflation, with the interest rate manipulation by central banks and tax increases, finance so at the expense of private property of its citizens.

The true Catholic doctrine has always rejected, therefore, from political abuse of power, even if he was coming dressed in the garb of the redistributive welfare state. Pope John Paul II said in Centesimus Annus, (§ 48) unequivocally: "The welfare state, which engages directly and the company denied their responsibility triggers the loss of human energy and the swelling from the state apparatus, the more of bureaucratic logic of an effort to be controlled to serve the beneficiaries, hand in hand an enormous increase in expenditure. As it seems, knows the person who actually need more and is able to meet the upcoming needs better, and her closest neighbor to those in need. It must be added that often require a certain kind of needs not simply material response, but that it is important to hear the deeper human need. "

Dr. Thomas Jahn, July 2009